Cant connect to web-ui after starting up raspberry pi 3

I am new to HA, and I just downloaded and flash the image to raspberry pi3, and attach it to my network using cable.

However, after starting up and waiting for some minutes, I can’t access the → is my local raspberry ip address.

When attached the display into it, i can login to the console, and connect it to wifi via nmcli but still can’t access web ui.
I can ping to and via the console though.

Running :
date show the recent and correct date.

However when running :
systemctl status hass-os supervisor
its shown that the service is active with some errors as follows :

supervisor.dns error on install coredns plugin
supervisor.dns error on install audio plugin
can’t fetch version from Cannot connect to host version.home-assistant,io:443 ssl:None
And it keep repeating that way.

Any idea?

I have exactly the same issue.
Fresh new raspberry pi4 (4gb). Fresh new install.
It hangs at some point and the webui is never started.
Tried dozens of different sd cards. After many hours I finally found how get into the system with ssh.

after running
systemctl status hass-os supervisor

i get the messages:

Mar 08 23:37:41 homeassistant hassos-supervisor[595]: 20-03-08 23:37:41 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.updater] Fetch update data from
Mar 08 23:37:46 homeassistant hassos-supervisor[595]: 20-03-08 23:37:46 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.updater] Can't fetch versions from Cannot connect to host ssl:None [Try again]
Mar 08 23:37:46 homeassistant hassos-supervisor[595]: 20-03-08 23:37:46 WARNING (MainThread) [] Error on install Audio plugin. Retry in 30sec
Mar 08 23:37:46 homeassistant hassos-supervisor[595]: 20-03-08 23:37:46 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.dns] Error on install CoreDNS plugin. Retry in 30sec

I have no clue what this can be.

date command is showing “Sun Mar 8 23:40:20 UTC 2020” btw

Up. Anyone?