Can't connect with nest

Since moving form hassbian to I’m having trouble connecting my nest account. I have added the component to the configuration file. I deleted the old app on the nest developer account and created a new on. Add Client ID and secret to the configuration file (nothing else yet). When I open Home Assistant nest shows up as new component that needs to be configured. But linking always fails. When I click on “authorize your account”, I retrieve PIN, but using the PIN always leads to an error message: “Internal error validating code”.

Port 9553 on the firewall is open, communication checked with traceroute and nmap. Using Postman, I can’t find any error, talking to the API. I can’t find anything in the system log file. Now I wonder whether there might be an old authorization key stored in hass, but can’t find a docu about this - anybody able to help?

Older versions saved the access token in <config>/nest.conf, whereas newer versions save it in <config>/.storage/core.config_entries (at least on Linux), where <config> is your HA configuration directory (which on I believe is /config.) Note that core.config_entries is not just for Nest.

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I have the very same issue, however I’m setting up Nest for the very first time and thus I have never had a nest.conf file.

Here is the solution to my problem: I had a DNS issue. I use the DNS addon and put my local DNS first in the DNS sequence on my DHCP server. Changed that to and put my local DNS second. Problem solved.

What DNS Add-on did you use?

Im going to update my DHCP server to see if that helps!

That fixed it!

Only need 9553 outbound, that usually is not an issue for firewall, there is no need to open 9553 inbound.