Can't control grouped bulbs independently

Hi, I have a chandelier with two yeelight bulbs. They’re grouped together for a simple wall switch to toggle it on/off.

There’s a second control - a Xiaomi button that’s set up for warm (single click), cool (double click) and turn off (hold).

Problem: I want to be able to control a single bulb (for super dim lighting) with triple click BUT it always triggers the second bulb as well. How to avoid this? I set the automation to specifically switch off the other bulb but it turns on anyway. The triple click is triggered correctly according to zigbee2mqtt. It is not limited to automations - when I toggle a single bulb manually, the other one toggles as well. I CAN control the bulbs independently via the Yeelight app so this is a HA problem.

Any tips?

Did you group them with the yeelight app?

If so, ungroup them and use HA to to control them individually or together as required.

No, they aren’t grouped in the app. I have even removed them from the room in the app, no difference.

So what do you mean by this then:

How are they grouped?

  - platform: group
    name: Bedroom Main
      - light.bedroom_white
      - light.bedroom_tunable 

I only want to enable the tunable bulb via tripleclick of the Xiaomi zigbee button. Both always toggle with each other, any way I turn them on/off.

Post your automation for the triple click.

  - entity_id: sensor.xiaomi_button_1_click
    platform: state
    to: triple
  - data:
      brightness_pct: 10
      kelvin: 3000
    entity_id: light.bedroom_tunable
    service: light.turn_on
  - entity_id: light.bedroom_white
    service: light.turn_off

it behaves the same even without the white bulb turn off command

Maybe when you triple click it’s sending the single click, double click and then triple click events to home assistant.

It’s really odd though - especially with that off service in the triple click automation. That should only leave one light on :man_shrugging: I’m out of ideas.

No, as I’ve stated in the original post, zigbee2mqtt reports “triple” click type.

Did you pair the switch with the lights outside home assistant?

Maybe it’s the switch that has the grouping?

The only thing I can come up with is a rogue automation that toggles them both on/off for you when one or the other is toggled.

I didn’t. The switch is zigbee and the bulbs are wifi. I don’t use hub so the only way for them to interact is via HA.

I’ve gone through all the automations but didn’t find anything that would do this. Oh well. Thanks.

In that case there could be a bug in the lights group integration, are these the only lights/switches you have?

If you have others, you could try making a new group and see if turning one of those on/off triggers the other as well.