Cant Controll TRV06 under Z2M

Hello everyone,

I’m slowly losing hope with my thermostat (TRV06).
I’m using Zigbee to MQTT, and it just doesn’t want to work properly. I can pair it without any problems, and sometimes it responds to commands, but after 5 minutes at most, it shuts down again and doesn’t switch back to heating mode.

I’ve read about quirks, but only in connection with ZHA. Unfortunately, I haven’t found anything on how to get the TRV06 integrated so that it works reliably.

I keep getting the following error if it helps:

z2m: Publish ‘set’ ‘system_mode’ to ‘’ failed: ‘Error: ZCL command 0xa4c13831623cd5d3/1 manuSpecificTuya.dataRequest({“seq”:1,“dpValues”:[{“dp”:2,“datatype”:4,“data”:[2]}]}, {“timeout”:10000,“disableResponse”:false,“disableRecovery”:false,“disableDefaultResponse”:true,“direction”:0,“reservedBits”:0,“writeUndiv”:false}) failed (Data request failed with error: ‘MAC transaction expired’ (240))’

I hope someone can provide a good tip so that I can finally get these thermostats integrated reliably.

Best regards, and thank you!


I have a similar issue not only with my thermostates but plug too.

I can read data from different devices, but cannot control them.
I get similar error.

Could be something with the MQTT configuration.

I have been struggeling with this for several days now, and very close to loose hope.