When I see this topic I am wondering if you have found an answer, because I cannot see any newer topics about the missing carrier.
I am new to Home Assistant and this forum. I am already very happy that my WiFi works at the moment, because it took me very long to find the right commands, but I want to connect my Raspberry Pi Model 4 with Home Assistant v10.2 (or V9.5 64-bit on another SD) through LAN.
It says it has eth0, next to the wlan0, but it is not seen by the Router, so also no ping response. Initially wlan0 didn’t work either, but it worked after I typed this on the commandline of home assistant:
Ha network update wlan0 --wifi-auth wpa-psk --wifi-ssid <WiFi name> --wifi-psk <WiFi-password> --wifi-method auto
And setting fixed IP’s for the raspberry mac of eth0 and wlan0 in the router settings.
The things I tried for eth0 still give the exact same message ‘no carrier’ like above on the commandline of the screen connected to the RasPi4, but from the UI through the browser.
Has this already been solved in another topic that I overlooked? If not, how do I find an appropriate carrier-file and get it at right location in the file-system on my RasPi4? Are there other/smarter ways to solve it?
Of course, remarks about mistakes I made are also welcome.
Hmmm… I don’t know how, but after installing an update, some extra apps and playing around with the UI in the browser, the message about the missing eth0 carrier has disappeared. Its IP is still not visible from the router or responding to ping, but not related to the ‘no carrier’ issue as I described above.