Can't delete an entity

I had a light running Tasmota, and I flashed it with espHome. Works fine.
The Tasmota entity was created in configuration.yaml, I deleted it and cleared the retained flag for the entity using mqtt explorer, then rebooted.
The MQTT entity did in fact disappear and was not rediscovered.

But now I am totally mysterified where this entity comes from:

Belkin??? I have no Belkin devices on my system, so where does this entity come from?
Of course clicking on the device brings up the

A grep search shows it only in core.device.registry, can that section be safely deleted?

    "version": 1,
    "minor_version": 3,
    "key": "core.device_registry",
    "data": {
        "devices": [
              "config_entries": [
              "connections": [
              "identifiers": [
              "manufacturer": "Belkin",
              "model": "Socket",
              "name": "Dining Room Light",
              "sw_version": "",
              "hw_version": null,
              "entry_type": null,
              "id": "19809392057e23e58aa5cb33fd450bb1",
              "via_device_id": null,
              "area_id": null,
              "name_by_user": null,
              "disabled_by": null,
              "configuration_url": null

I was able to disable the device in ‘device information’, but it’s still registered.

I tried to remove the annoying _2 from the entity:

Any ideas?

Remove the integration “Belkin WeMo”
The corelated entities should disappear.

Then you will be able to rename the entity.

And I said, wait! I don’t have any WeMo devices… But somehow, there it was. (I didn’t see it in my page of 30 integrations).