Can't delete Frigate folder in /config/custom_components

I tried installing Frigate but couldn’t get it working so decided to put it aside and maybe try again down the road. I uninstalled the integration but noticed the Frigate folder was still in /config/custom_components. I get warnings about finding the custom integration. I can’t delete the */config/custom_components/frigate folder because the “directory isn’t empty”.

I read that removing the repository from the addon store would do it but it didn’t. If I want to attempt another install at some point I don’t want problems with left over files and folders.

Should I just leave it or is there a way to delete it?

Can you delete files from directory before you delete dir?
Anyway you can probably rename dir to something like so new installation should create new dir with new files in it.

I was able to delete individual files but when I tried to save I got, “Error, provide a file name”.

edit: I was able to delete individual files so the folder is empty but still get the “director isn’t empty” message. I’ll try to rename it.

Renamed it frigate_deleted so I guess we’re good.


The addon does not install anything in custom_components.

You are confusing the addon and the integration.

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Could be but I had a folder with a dozen or so files in * /config/custom_components called frigate.

It’s not empty because there are hidden .something files in the folder.

Makes sense. I deleted what I could see and renamed the folder so I guess I’m OK.

I have had the came problem. I renamed the folder, now I have two folders that I can’t delete!

Are there files in the directory? Enter the directory, and find out

ls -la