Can't delete old entity from VLC addon

I installed the VLC addon to Home Assistant but decided to not use it. I uninstalled the addon but there is 1 entity that still remains.
Name: VLC Update
Entity ID: update.vlc_update
Integration: Update

I’ve looked in the core.entity_registry and core.device_registry but there is no trace of VLC. I’ve restarted HA and even tried installing VLC again to uninstall it but the entity remains. Is there some other file where I could look for it?

The entity is read only.

Thank you in advance!

edit 3:
there’s a trace of VLC in the core.restore_state file but removing that entry doesn’t help, the entry comes back at restart.

edit 4:
there’s another entity called Updater, binary_sensor.updater which has the state restored and tells me i should remove it but it wont let me delete it.

Suddenly the devices are gone, not sure if I did anything, but restarted HA a few times, which I actually did before.