Can't do NVM Backup/Restore Anymore After Doing an NVM Restore

After having done an NVM restore to recover from a problem, I can not do any more NVM backups or restores.

Everything else about Zwave is working perfectly (automations, control via UI, ping, re-interview, heal node, include/exclude)

I have a Pi4B/8GB running HA OS, with a Razberry 7 Pro & external antenna. I have 177 Zwave nodes paired.

I get the following errors on NVM Backup. Any suggestions as to where to go next? I’ve tried restarts, power cycles, and updating the Razberry’s firmware to latest version.

2022-11-24 13:46:38.294 INFO Z-WAVE: Calling api backupNVMRaw with args: [ [length]: 0 ]
2022-11-24T20:46:38.296Z CNTRLR Backing up NVM...
2022-11-24T20:46:38.297Z CNTRLR Turning RF off...
2022-11-24T20:46:38.362Z DRIVER Dropping message with invalid payload:
2022-11-24T20:46:48.375Z CNTRLR No response from controller after 1/3 attempts. Scheduling next try in 100 ms.
2022-11-24T20:46:48.490Z DRIVER Dropping message with invalid payload:
2022-11-24T20:46:58.491Z CNTRLR No response from controller after 2/3 attempts. Scheduling next try in 1100 ms
2022-11-24T20:46:59.601Z DRIVER Dropping message with invalid payload:
2022-11-24T20:47:09.616Z CNTRLR Turning RF on...
2022-11-24 13:47:09.661 INFO Z-WAVE: Timeout while waiting for a response from the controller (ZW0200) backupNVMRaw undefined

Reboot, power cycle?

Yes, I had tried those to no avail.

Following up from my original post:

I found on the web that someone had their Razberry Zwave radio bricked by using the NVM backup command of Zwave JS MQTT. It looks like there was a Razberry firmware issue that was responsible.

It was supposedly fixed in Razberry firmware 7.17, but unfortunately I was using 7.13 version.

I upgraded to the latest firmware (7.28) but that doesn’t fix the problem on it’s own, since some critical item in the NVM was corrupted. It looks like I’m going to need to factory reset the Razberry, hoping that clears the corruption, and re-pair all my devices.