Can't drag to reorder entities in entities card with Firefox (Windows) >97

I was trying to reorder entities in a standard Entities Card and discovered that while the cursor would correctly change to a 4-headed arrow when hovering over the rectangular target icon on the left side, I can no longer click and drag entities. I’m using the current version of Firefox Windows (99) Same behavior when launching Firefox in safe mode (without add-ins). I downgraded to Firefox 98 and observed the same behavior. I downgraded to Firefox 97 and the click and drag functionality worked correctly.

Is this a known issue? (I didn’t see anything posted here or in Reddit.) Is anyone else seeing this?



I can confirm I have the same issue on Firefox 99. In the meantime I’ve been reordering entities manually via the card’s code editor.

Both Linux and Windows. Have to launch Chrome(ium) or use the app to move things around.

Same with Firefox 100.0 on Ubuntu. (Snap Canonical-002 - 1.0)

yup, even Firefox 100.0.1, but ok in EDGE

That’s because Edge is Chrome.

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Yes, Well that’s not the reason, it doesn’t work in Firefox :slight_smile: , seems like some Changes lately in Firefox’s latest updates have Change even other i.e CSS, or maybe it’s changes in HA, i have a “dropdown-list” of Tracker items, that “lost” it’s icon-state-color(away-home), about a week ago( or 2), thou still works in EDGE


I opened an issue on github here, but it hasn’t been looked at by any of the developers. Perhaps if others would comment there, it might get some attention?