Can't duplicate Soliscloud power flow display with "Power Flow Card Plus Card" and "Solis Inverter"

Warning: HA noob questions coming up
I’ve got started with HA because I have an old PV system with a Growatt inverter and a new battery setup with a Solis inverter and I want all the info on one screen.
Starting with the newer Solis system, I think I have properly installed, from HACS, the “Power Flow Card Plus Card” and the “Solis inverter”. The Solis inverter shows up as 1 device with 57 entities (all enabled). I have the Power Flow Card Plus Card as the main item in my primary dashboard. So far so good.

When I try to configure the Power Flow Card Plus Card by trial and error using the Solis entities, I can’t see to duplicate the power values and directions as displayed in the manufacurer’s Soliscloud webpage. I have successfully displayed the current battery soc. When I try various power entities, they are either wrong or in the reverse direction.

Is there some trick to configuring Power Flow Card Plus Card that I’m missing? I feel I’m in need of more detailed setup instructions. I’ve posted this Q in Github too.

Took me a while to get this right but these are the points I’m using which match that of the inverter.

Grid - solis inverter Meter Active Power (you need to select invert)
Solar - solis inverter PV Total Power
Battery - Use the seperate entities menu
Consumption - solis inverter Battery Output Energy
Production - solis inverter Battery Input Energy
Home - solis inverter House Load (select override state)