Can't edit a template sensor helper

I created a basic template sensor using the helper UI. For the life of me i can’t figure out how to now edit it. When I click on it in the helper screen it brings up the history window. Is this a bug or am i missing something obvious?

That seems to be correct behaviour. You should have a settings cog in the top right corner:
Click on that, then below “Area” you’ll see “Template Options”. Click that and you can modify your template.

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so i’m not seeing the template options?

What version are you on? I don’t see the display precision option, either, and that has been implemented some months ago, already.

It should be as Chris shows. This sensor was definitely created in the UI and not in YAML? Is there a YAML definition for it anywhere in your configuration.yaml?

Just upgraded to the latest (i was not that off) and i checked the helper UI for one of my sensor templates and now see it. Thing is…i have a sensor template that i can see as an entity but it doesn’t show up in the helper UI. I have no idea where that is defined so maybe its an orphan object somehow…appreciate the help folks.

My template sensors that don’t show up in Helper UI are the ones created in YAML

I just upgraded to 2024.11.0b1 and am not seeing the option to edit the template. This is a pretty big limitation. Is there YAML for the helper that I can look at. No problem deleting and recreating the helper as long as I can somehow see the current template.
