Can't edit my own post in Community Guides section

Hello everybody. I just joined this forum today in order to share a tutorial. I was able to publish my tutorial, but now, when I try to edit the post (I’d like to fix some things), I get a strange “422 error” and my changes don’t save:

Somebody can tell me what I am doing wrong please? Very appreciated.

That’s my post: Integrate Home Assistant Green into a wireguard VPN (client without port forwarding)


There are a series of trust levels - you have to climb the ladder a bit. :grin:

OK thanks. Not sure which rule in the Trust Level Grid applies to this specific case, it’s a little strange not to be able to edit my own tutorial :slight_smile:

I hope I haven’t forgotten about this post when I am high enough on the ladder :joy:

I imagine it’s the one about editing wikis, which requires trust level 1 - though it doesn’t make much sense as it’s your own wiki…

Try editing it now.

It works now. Thanks a lot!

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Getting “error 422” when trying to save my post, what is going on?

Update: managed to save changes after deleting some unneeded chars (~20-30 chars) from the post. The post’s length is ~31K. Seems to be a glitch.

I thought it might be a post edit limit but I was just able to delete the last full stop from your post. so… :man_shrugging:

Does anyone know how to contact a person who is responsible for this forum? I cannot edit that post.

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