Can't figure out owntracks/ios setup, please help

For the life of me I can’t get owntracks working I’ve searched and I can’t figure it out.

Using iOS

Here is what I’m doing:

Adding Owntracks to HA

  1. Click Add Integration and Select Owntracks
  2. Pop-up Appears with configuration info

Adding Owntracks HA info to IOS app

  1. Click the “i” icon for settings → Settings
  2. Then these settings
    UserID: I put my name
    Authentication: On
    Password: The encryption key listed on the owntracks integration, I’ve also tried long lived access token
    Secret Encryption Key: Tried Blank and the encryption key listed on the integration
    URL: The url provided on the integration page.
  3. Testing: I go and click “Publish” on the previous screen, no errors

Problem: Nothing shows up anywhere in HA, not on the map, and the own tracks integration just shows: “No devices or entities”

What am I missing here? Would appreciate any help you can provide