Can't find device in influxdb / grafana

Hello !

Rather new with HASS, I have configured HASS to send informations to my influxdb server :

  username: telegraf
  password: password
  database: telegraf
  port: 8086

In grafana, I can see all my devices, excepted “hall-mijia” one :

This device comes from mqtt broker :

 - platform: mqtt
   name: "hall-mijia"
   state_topic: "jeedom/halltemp"
   unit_of_measurement : '°C'

Can you please help me ?

The warning you have shown has no effect on the entity data being sent to influxdb. That’s only relevant to the UI in home assistant. As you set it up in YAML it can not be managed from the UI.

sensor.hall_mija will only appear in the influxdb database once its state has changed and data is sent to the db. Has it changed state?

What unit are you searching on?

Is that correct?

Yes, this device is bluetooth, and it’s value is updated very often (each 20 / 30 secondes, as soon the temperature changes …)

But I still can’t see it in grafana.

BTW, I can’t see any of the mqtt devices in grafana.

Very strange. I see all the sensors I’ve included in my influxdb config. You should see all yours as you have not used any includes or excludes. My config:

host: a0d7b954-influxdb
port: 8086
database: homeassistant
username: homeassistant
password: !secret influxdb_pssword
max_retries: 3
default_measurement: state
    - binary_sensor.dark_outside
    - binary_sensor.master_bed_occupied
    - binary_sensor.night_vision_active
    - binary_sensor.spare_bed_occupied
    - input_number.master_bed_trigger_level
    - input_number.spare_bed_trigger_level
    - sensor.4g_downloaded
    - etc...

I got it !

the - in the name of sensor was the problem. I have renamed my mqtt device “mijia” so with sensor.mijia it is now ok :slight_smile:

thanks for the help!

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Very strange. I thought influx used the unit then the entity id (that removes the dash and replaces it with an underscore).