Can't find Snapshot backup function


I have installed hassio on a raspi4 using this image haos_rpi4-64-7.6.img.xz
I have the supervisor but I can’t find the snapshot backup function

The only backup function that I can find is

By the I often see the supervisor in the panel but that entry is missing for me.


That is the snapshot backup function. You have found it :slight_smile:

The supervisor was relocated recently.

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And “snapshots” were renamed “backups”.

Things change pretty quickly around here. There is a lot of outdated information in blogs, on youtube and here on the forum. Always check the docs.

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Hi, thanks for the information… :slight_smile:
How can I make automatic backups? Only found this tutorial


If you have a NAS then Samba Backup is excellent. Otherwise all of the options on this list have automated backup functions:

Thanks, will have a look :slight_smile:


I am using now this great add-on from that list above! :slight_smile: