Can't flash 1st Gen Sonoff Basic - stuck at deleting

Decided to move away from my last few Tasmota flashed devices which were working of course just not integrated into HA like ESPHome is, so I compiled the FW for them downloaded in legacy and did a bootloader flash as I always have.

Unfortunately these things no long work, the flashing gets stuck at Erasing and then eventually times out with the error:

Using 'COM7' as serial port.
Detecting chip type... Unsupported detection protocol, switching and trying again...
Detecting chip type... ESP8266

Chip Info:
 - Chip Family: ESP8266
 - Chip Model: ESP8266EX
 - Chip ID: 0095FFD9
 - MAC Address: 5C:CF:7F:95:FF:D9
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Changing baud rate to 460800
 - Flash Size: 1MB
 - Flash Mode: dout
 - Flash Frequency: 40MHz
Erasing flash (this may take a while)...
Unexpected error: Error while erasing flash: Packet content transfer stopped (received 8 bytes)

I can’t seem to flash these at all anymore - not with Tasmota nor with ESPhome, they all hang at the same place. I’ve tried a bunch of different flashers, the online ESPHome (web) flasher. All get stuck on Erasing. I even tried different UART’s I have kicking around, same problem.

Now they seem to be paperweights as I tried a send one to make sure it wasn’t something else wrong with just the one unit both that used to be functional running old Tasmota software are no longer doing anything.

Not quite sure what to do next and hoping for ideas!


What tool is that output from?

I find esptool is good.

I found that upgrading my Tasmota devices was most easily done by first flashing Tasmota-minimal through the OTA flash feature and then using the same feature to flash the ESPHome firmware.
The ESPHome firmware was just built and downloaded with the “Manual download” option.

This sounds a bit high to me for a serial connection.


Funny you say that - yes I’ve been able to do that as well - however unfortunately for these two devices I didn’t and now I’m stuck.

Not sure - the flashing tool is choosing it the UART speed on it’s own. That said even with other tools and choosing a smore sane speed erasing doesn’t work.


I have faced the same issue - flashing process has stuck on erasing phase.
I tried with CH340 USB adapter with different tools with the same result.

In my case a solution was to power ESP from other source than CH340. I tried to flash Tasmota to chinese RGB LED controller - when it was powered from CH340 erasing process failed. I have disconnected +3.3V power source from CH340 (leaveing GND) and powered conroller from its DC socket via power supply - everything worked fine at firs try.

Interesting - Something I will try I suppose, I tried again the other day with multiple different software tools and adapters. I can easily whip up another power source for this and give it a shot. I was about to toss them in the garbage so if this works out that would be great!

Will update if it does. If not, in the trash they go.