Can't get 4 pairs of entites across the page

hello folks

how can i fix this…

a set of entity cards in a horizontal stack to show temperature abs humidity. on my mobile it looks fine in landscape but no so in portrait. how can i fix this perhaps using different cards. i just want the 4 pairs of readings across the page.

landscape [correct]

portrait [oops]

ideally i would like the values right next to the icons rather than right padded

You can’t. Dashboard cards are designed to float independently, so that on a mobile in portrait mode they appear as a single column, in landscape they appear in two or three columns (probably not four). A horizontal stack would only normally be used in large displays.

Start by showing you code, as noone can guess whether you use “default masonry” neither which "settings you use for your “View” Nor whether you use i.e Stacks, or Grid

So the answers you get will only be based upon assumptions and guesses

And if for some reason, you use Panel mode, and grid, you a doomed, unless you use %, and then your 4 cards(not 4 pairs) would be so tiny you cant read them.

title: Home
  - path: default_view
    title: Home
    type: sidebar
    badges: []
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: entities
              - entity: sensor.meter_plus_3a05_temperature
                name: '""'
              - entity: sensor.meter_plus_3a05_humidity
                name: Humidity
            title: Summer
            show_header_toggle: false
              type: graph
              entity: sensor.meter_plus_3a05_temperature
          - type: entities
              - entity: sensor.meter_plus_55d6_temperature
                name: Temp
              - entity: sensor.meter_plus_55d6_humidity
                name: Humidity
            title: Dad
            show_header_toggle: false
            state_color: false
              type: graph
              entity: sensor.meter_plus_55d6_temperature
          - type: entities
              - entity: sensor.meter_plus_88d5_temperature
                name: Temp
              - entity: sensor.meter_plus_88d5_humidity
                name: Humidity
            title: Kitchen
            show_header_toggle: false
              type: graph
              entity: sensor.meter_plus_88d5_temperature
          - type: entities
              - entity: sensor.meter_plus_da53_temperature
                name: Temp
              - entity: sensor.meter_plus_da53_humidity
                name: Humidity
            title: Lounge
            show_header_toggle: false
              type: graph
              entity: sensor.meter_plus_da53_temperature
          position: main