Cant get actionable notification to show

having used the built-in sounds for a long time, I decided to try import and play the system sounds, as described on

However, using the below sequence doesn’t make it happen. The badge is set to 99 alright, as is the message notified, so I know the service is executed. The commented parts work fine too.

      - service: notify.mobile_app_calltheboss
          title: >
            {% set room = trigger.to_state.object_id.split('_sensor_motion')[0].replace('_',' ')|capitalize %}
            Alarm triggered in the {{room}}
          message: >
            {% set room = trigger.to_state.object_id.split('_sensor_motion')[0].replace('_',' ')|capitalize %}
            {{as_timestamp(now())|timestamp_custom('%X')}}: {{room}} triggered the alarm, check whats up!
              badge: 99
              category: alarm
              critical: 1
              volume: 1.0
                name: alarm.caf
#              sound: US-EN-Morgan-Freeman-Motion-Detected.wav
#            attachment:
#              url: ''
#              content-type: "png"
#              hide-thumbnail: false

Secondly, as you can see I try to use the actionable notification on the category: alarm, which I have also created:

      - name: Alarm
        identifier: alarm
          - identifier: SOUND_ALARM
            title: Sound Alarm
            activationMode: background
            destructive: yes
            authenticationRequired: true
          - identifier: SILENCE_ALARM
            title: Silence Alarm
            activationMode: background

this doesn’t show up in the notification on my mobile, while others I have made do. I dont understand why this would not show the 2 options in the popup, like on the documentation

The Category is listed correctly in the App, alongside the others I previously created.


contrary to the syntax in the documentation, I hadn’t used the sound: object, and had the options listed incorrectly, sorry about that

                name: alarm.caf
                critical: 1
                volume: 1.0

does work.

leaves the actionable notification to be solved…
Please have a look what I am missing here? thanks!


so the above user error (mine…) caused the actionable notification not to show, and after correcting the sound: object, it now shows as designed.

Sorry for my confusion, closing.