Cant Get Alexa to Integrate with HA

Hi All,

I got HA Yellow last month Feb 2025 (moved on from Samsung ST), updated the core and all up to date.
Spent a lot of hours configuring through HA forum on added Emulated HUE and updated Config file. Tested that entities are exposed, however, no matter what I tried, Alexa does never pick it up, never able to discover devices.

PLs let me know if i am missing anything:
below is the config file updated
It works and give me exposed entities when i ping - http:///api/v2/lights
Tried then discovery on Alexa device and app. no success.

please help, appreciate it.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  host_ip: <IP ADD>
  listen_port: 80
    - script
    - scene
  expose_by_default: false
     name: “right stand“
     hidden: false
     name: “left stand“
     hidden: false