June 23, 2021, 1:56pm
I ordered 2 buttons from Ali express https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002469399775.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.594d4c4dNxBSCa .
They couldn’t be found with smart life but pairing was possible with HA and a cc2531 and shows the following info:
Zigbee info
IEEE: 80:4b:50:ff:fe:e0:fe:67
Nwk: 0x4c7e
Device Type: EndDevice
LQI: 49
RSSI: Unknown
Last Seen: 2021-06-23T15:46:10
It doesn’t show as a button and don’t know how to use it as a button. I’m already happy if I can use this button to toggle lights, but preferable also use it to dimm lights, or press button fast to control more?
I’m completely lost how to continue and hope for some help.
Now using online a single button switch, but also have one with 2 buttons
(Chris B)
June 23, 2021, 2:10pm
Please show the device signature, not only the info.
June 23, 2021, 3:57pm
"node_descriptor": "NodeDescriptor(byte1=2, byte2=64, mac_capability_flags=128, manufacturer_code=4098, maximum_buffer_size=82, maximum_incoming_transfer_size=82, server_mask=11264, maximum_outgoing_transfer_size=82, descriptor_capability_field=0, *allocate_address=True, *complex_descriptor_available=False, *is_alternate_pan_coordinator=False, *is_coordinator=False, *is_end_device=True, *is_full_function_device=False, *is_mains_powered=False, *is_receiver_on_when_idle=False, *is_router=False, *is_security_capable=False, *is_valid=True, *logical_type=<LogicalType.EndDevice: 2>, *user_descriptor_available=False)",
"endpoints": {
"1": {
"profile_id": 260,
"device_type": "0x0000",
"in_clusters": [
"out_clusters": [
"manufacturer": "_TZ3000_q68478x7",
"model": "TS0041",
"class": "zigpy.device.Device"
(Chris B)
June 23, 2021, 4:13pm
Those cheapo chinese tuya devices tend to be cloned all over the place with semi-random manufacturers.
I’ve created a PR for this one to be added to the ZHA quirks:
← koying:patch-2
opened 04:11PM - 23 Jun 21 UTC
June 23, 2021, 4:43pm
Hi Koying,
Many many tnx. Because I’m a real real newby, what should I do with your code.
Sorry hahahaha