Can't get cover group working

Hi folks,
I’m using mqtt covers, which are working fine in my HA. Now I want to group some of them to control them at the same time, but HA is not accepting my configuration.
On the config check before restart I get:

Invalid config for [group]: Entity ID cover.eno_fsb14_k02.02_rollo_eg_terrasse is an invalid entity ID for dictionary value @ data[‘group’][‘cover’][‘entities’]. Got [‘cover.eno_fsb14_k02_01_rollo_eg_kueche_ausgang’, ‘cover.eno_fsb14_k02.02_rollo_eg_terrasse’]. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 24).

I tried to configure the group directly in my covers.yaml, as well as in the group.yaml, but both didn’t work.

Here is my config:


> # Include external config files
> group: !include groups.yaml
> cover: !include covers.yaml


  name: Rollo_EG
    - cover.eno_fsb14_k02_01_rollo_eg_kueche_ausgang
    - cover.eno_fsb14_k02.02_rollo_eg_terrasse


> - platform: mqtt
>   name: "EnO_FSB14_K02.01_Rollo_EG_Kueche_Ausgang"
>   unique_id: "EnO_FSB14_K02.01_Rollo_EG_Kueche_Ausgang"
>   availability_topic: "fhem/connection/status"
>   payload_available: "connected"
>   payload_not_available: "disconnected"
>   command_topic: "fhem/EnO_FSB14_K02.01_Rollo_EG_Kueche_Ausgang/set"
>   position_topic: "fhem/EnO_FSB14_K02.01_Rollo_EG_Kueche_Ausgang/position"
>   set_position_topic: "fhem/EnO_FSB14_K02.01_Rollo_EG_Kueche_Ausgang/setposition"
>   payload_open: "opens"
>   payload_close: "closes"
>   payload_stop: "stop"
>   position_open: 0
>   position_closed: 100
> - platform: mqtt
>   name: "EnO_FSB14_K02.02_Rollo_EG_Terrasse"
>   unique_id: "EnO_FSB14_K02.02_Rollo_EG_Terrasse"
>   availability_topic: "fhem/connection/status"
>   payload_available: "connected"
>   payload_not_available: "disconnected"
>   command_topic: "fhem/EnO_FSB14_K02.02_Rollo_EG_Terrasse/set"
>   position_topic: "fhem/EnO_FSB14_K02.02_Rollo_EG_Terrasse/position"
>   set_position_topic: "fhem/EnO_FSB14_K02.02_Rollo_EG_Terrasse/setposition"
>   payload_open: "opens"
>   payload_close: "closes"
>   payload_stop: "stop"
>   position_open: 0
>   position_closed: 100

If I just add one single cover the the group, I don’t get the error, but as soon as I add a second or third cover, that’s it.

Any ideas, what’s worng here?


Not too familiar with mqtt covers but it looks like availability_topic should be

   - topic:

Nope, that wasn’t the error.
However, both configs regarding availability are working, mine from above did so far, but I changed the cover config to the other one mentionend by you.
Covers still working fine, but can’t group thm together…

Here is an example that works for me:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Nook Blind Left"
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Nook Blind Center"
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Nook Blind Right"
  - platform: group
    name: Nook Blinds West
      - cover.nook_blind_left
      - cover.nook_blind_center
      - cover.nook_blind_right

I found the problem: I copied the name as I configured it with a . between the switch number (Kxx.yy). The entity however is written with a underline _