Can't get Dashboard VIEWS background to show a fixed picture

I’ve really tried everything. So many posts, none of them seem to have the answer. I’m not using a theme. I’m not using cardmod. I’m just trying to get my views (TABS) on my dashboard to show a static image from a local file.

No problem displaying with a URL, for instance, this works perfectly in my dashboard YAML:

  - title: HVAC
    path: HVAC
    background: >-
      center / cover no-repeat fixed
    type: sections
      - type: grid

But, when I created a local/pics folder under config/www, and try the following, none of them work:

    background: >-
      center / cover no-repeat fixed 
      url("/local/pics/flat-iron-building-background.jpeg") fixed

    background: >-
      center / cover no-repeat fixed 
      url('/local/pics/flat-iron-building-background.jpeg') fixed

    background: >-
      center / cover no-repeat fixed 
      image("/local/pics/flat-iron-building-background.jpeg") fixed

    background: >-
      center / cover no-repeat fixed 
      image('/local/pics/flat-iron-building-background.jpeg') fixed

    background: >-
      center / cover no-repeat fixed 
      image: /local/pics/flat-iron-building-background.jpeg 

And a lot of other variations. None of them work. Does anyone have a static picture working in a VIEW on a dashboard who can help me?

This sounds crazy but it happened.
I made a folder named “icons”, couldn’t use anything thing in it.
Changed it to “icon” and it works.
Go figure.

And what format was correct for the dashboard YAML file that worked for you?

Mine was for icons not the background but I thought the folder thing was odd and might be related.

My background uses this:

lovelace-background: center / cover no-repeat fixed url('/local/images/common_background.jpg')

I’m doing this in a dashboard view, so not sure if it’s the same. Didn’t work.

Just for the hell of it take the ‘s’ off the folder name.

Already tried that. See above. Changed pics to picture