I’m not able to get the sound to play with my automation, but if I go to the Media Browser and play the sounds from “all.speakers”, it works perfectly. When I try to replicate the behaviour in an automation, I just get the “boink” on sound from the Google speakers, but the audio doesn’t play. My log shows that the speakers have been changed to “idle”.
When I play the audio directly from the Media Browser, it shows “playing”, then changed to “idle” in the logs.
If I enter the URL for the target sound, it gives me an ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR. Maybe I’m not entering it properly? I’ve tried with http and https.
This location does not point towards the local folder in the media player, it points to samba location \\xxx.xxx.x.xxx\config\www
I guess that’s the issue and to be honest. I don’t know what the path to the media folder is. My suggestion, at least as test, would be to drop the mp3 in the config/www
Thanks. Is there a way to see the path that the mp3 plays from when I play it from the Media Browser? That way I could just drop that in the automation.
I assume you use Windows.
If you have Samba installed/configured, you can use Windows Explorer to go there by entering \\<ipaddress> in the location bar
Solved: After digging around, I found that I have to change the content id to: ‘media-source://media_source/local/filename.mp3’. I also changed content type to music.