Can't get fold-entity-row coded correctly

New to HA within the last few days and haven’t coded anything in nearly 20 years. I currently setup my lovelace dashboard so it pulls up a separate view when I use the IOS app. The way it is currently setup it uses a bunch of fold-entity-rows for all of the different areas of my house. That all works fine but since it’s not in card it is all transparent and doesn’t look too pretty.

Decided to try and make it into a folding entity card, which works, but the toggle switch in the header doesn’t do anything like it does with a normal entity card. The toggle switch for the lights within the cards work but I would prefer to not have to unfold each card to see if something is on if possible. Here is the code I am using, I’m sure its probably a simple fix but I have no idea. I’ve made it this far just frankensteining things together.

  - entities:
      - entity: light.living_room_lights
        toggle: true
        type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
      - fan.living_room_fan
      - lock.front_door
      label: .
      type: section
    type: 'custom:fold-entity-row'
title: Living Room
show_header_toggle: true
type: entities

The toggle switch on the 2nd line from the bottom is the one thats there but does nothing. I also have a period in the label section below head because if it’s not there the arrow to fold and unfold the card is too close to the toggle switch. Not sure if there is a way to just make that blank instead of a .

I dont think thats possible. with the header toggle.

you could make a group and add all the entities from that fold, and use the group right above the fold, or as the head:

Peek 2020-05-11 21-38

Thanks for the reply Jim, that looks like it will do what I want it to. I hadn’t made any groups yet but I guess I will need to now to get it to do what I want. I just figured that a regular entities card has a toggle in the header that goes on if a device in the card is on and off when they are all off that just making a folding card wouldn’t require groups to perform the same way.

So now when I don’t have the group expanded the toggle will tell me if there is still a device on within the group without having to expand the card if that makes sense. Just easier look at the 10 or so card on the phone and seeing if the toggle switch is on or off without having to expand the group.

Here is the code I ended up with for just the living room devices:

  - entities:
      - entity: light.living_room_lights
        toggle: true
        type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
      - fan.living_room_fan
      - lock.front_door
      entity: group.living_room_stuff
    type: 'custom:fold-entity-row'
type: entities
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Yep, glad it works the way you want it-- to be honest maybe there is a way to make the header work. However I haven’t figured it out, and I have used the same config in the past for the exact same reasons.