Hi all,
I have a FritzBox VDSL2 modem, and I’m trying to get the CallerID functionality to work with Google TTS.
- Google TTS works, I can put it on my overview with a button, and make it speak a pre-defined sentence. I use this code behind a button:
show_name: true
show_icon: true
type: button
action: call-service
service: tts.google_translate_say
entity_id: media_player.huiskamer
message: dit is een testje
language: nl
target: {}
name: praten test
icon_height: 40px
I also have a template in my configuration yaml for the CallerID.
I did put the “line_status” entity on my overview, and I get the necessary information.
This is in my configuration.yaml:
value_template: >-
{%- if is_state("sensor.fritz_box_fon_wlan_7360_call_monitor_Ha_Telefoonboek", "idle") %}
{% elif is_state("sensor.fritz_box_fon_wlan_7360_call_monitor_Ha_Telefoonboek", "dialing") %}
Naar {{ states.sensor.fritz_box_fon_wlan_7360_call_monitor_Ha_Telefoonboek.attributes.to_name }} ({{ states.sensor.fritz_box_fon_wlan_7360_call_monitor_Ha_Telefoonboek.attributes.to }})
{% elif is_state("sensor.fritz_box_fon_wlan_7360_call_monitor_Ha_Telefoonboek", "ringing") %}
Van {{ states.sensor.fritz_box_fon_wlan_7360_call_monitor_Ha_Telefoonboek.attributes.from_name }} ({{ states.sensor.fritz_box_fon_wlan_7360_call_monitor_Ha_Telefoonboek.attributes.from }})
{% else %}
Met {{ states.sensor.fritz_box_fon_wlan_7360_call_monitor_Ha_Telefoonboek.attributes.with_name }} ({{ states.sensor.fritz_box_fon_wlan_7360_call_monitor_Ha_Telefoonboek.attributes.with }})
{%- endif %}
friendly_name: 'Line status'
However, I don’t know how to combine these 2 items.
(I’m quiet a newbie into this Home Automation, I love it however)
I’m still a bit “lost” between all this integrations/scripts/automations/templates etc …
Can someone help me a bit with this ?
Thanks & best regards from Belgium,