I’ve been playing around with:
and I can’t quite seem to get it to work the way that it should. When it tries to loop it errors out saying that the script is already running.
I’ve been playing around with:
and I can’t quite seem to get it to work the way that it should. When it tries to loop it errors out saying that the script is already running.
got this to work by creating two separate scripts, doesn’t feel like the greatest method tho
Care to share the scripts?
alias: Flash fire alarm loop 1
- alias: Turn all lights on and to red loop 1
service: homeassistant.turn_on
entity_id: light.living_room_lamp
brightness: 255
rgb_color: [255,0,0]
- delay:
# time for flash light on
seconds: 1
- alias: Turn colored lights off loop 1
service: homeassistant.turn_off
entity_id: light.living_room_lamp
- delay:
# time for flash light off
seconds: 1
- alias: Move to loop 2
service: script.turn_on
entity_id: script.flash_fire_alarm2
alias: Flash fire alarm loop 2
- alias: Turn all lights on and to red loop 2
service: homeassistant.turn_on
entity_id: light.living_room_lamp
brightness: 255
rgb_color: [255,0,0]
- delay:
# time for flash light on
seconds: 1
- alias: Turn colored lights off loop 2
service: homeassistant.turn_off
entity_id: light.living_room_lamp
- delay:
# time for flash light off
seconds: 1
- alias: Move back to loop 1
service: script.turn_on
entity_id: script.flash_fire_alarm1
Here is how I coded my script loop (mine alternates green and red between 2 lights):
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: light.floor_lamp
brightness: 255
rgb_color: [255, 0, 0]
transition: 0.5
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: light.table_lamp
brightness: 255
rgb_color: [0, 255, 0]
transition: 0.5
- delay: 00:00:02
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: light.floor_lamp
brightness: 255
rgb_color: [0, 255, 0]
transition: 0.5
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: light.table_lamp
brightness: 255
rgb_color: [255, 0, 0]
transition: 0.5
- service: script.turn_on
entity_id: script.christmas_repeat
- delay: 00:00:02
- service: script.turn_on
entity_id: script.christmas_party
I read somewhere that the original example you linked used to work in old versions of HA. Logically, the script that is already on is calling itself to be on. Since it is already on, nothing happens.
As you have discovered, the new method is to create 2 scripts that call each other, creating the loop.
Yours obviously works, but if you want to change it in the future, you have to remember to make the change it in 2 locations.