Cant get Magic Home RGB LED strip to show up

I have a Magic Home RGB strip + controller which I cant get to work with my HASSIO 0.95.4

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It connects to the android app and works via my phone but wont show up in Home Assistant.
I have added the 3 lines of code below to my configuration.yaml file but see no additional entities appear when i view states…?
(I have rebooted)

 -  platform: flux_led
    automatic_add: true 

Any help appreciated…

Try defining them by ip rather than automatic add.

How do I know its IP, it doesnt show up when I do a network scan?
It doesnt seem to connect to my wifi at all, to get the app to work you must connect to its hot spot, is this correct?

Not the answer you are looking for, but in my experience the integration of HA with fluxled/magichome is kinda choppy. I would advise you to open it up, solder a few wires and get tasmota or esphome on it running. I have a lot of these controllers and I always had trouble with these with the original firmware (and indeed as you state, the magichome app responds very quickly, which you can’t get with the integration, at least in my case that was).

If you have never soldered before or are afraid of doing it, don’t be. Really these controllers are only 6,95 so you won’t have any big financial damages if you do mess up (which is highly unlikely). I was holding back on this for a long time till I decided to do it and I have to say they never worked as good with HA as they do now. And no more callbacks to a chinese server.

If you do want to use the original firmware, you will have to set them up to your network. I believe you do this by connecting to them with your phone (they have a wifi server, which should show up when scanning for them). Note that these things ONLY work on 2,4ghz networks and will not work on 5ghz.
After you connected to the device, open the magichome app and it will ask you to save it in your network. You should be able to connect the device to the network now. (sorry it was a long time ago, so not entirely sure).

There was a way to reset them if you want. Turn the power back on/off for 4 times in a row I believe.

No, once you connect to the hot-spot you configure it to connect to your WiFi.

Ahh, thank you !
I had not created an account as it looked like that was optional, once I did that it setup the network connection, some instructions would have been nice.
It now appears in states and I can activate it however, using the lovelace LIGHT card only lets me control brightness, how do I get the colour wheel so I can select actual colour?

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Long press on the light to bring up the full options…

Note color wheel only appears when strip is on.

That didnt work but i found clicking the three dots in the top right hand corner does, thanks again.

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Thank you for your lengthy response, some good tips there. I have it working now, no issue soldering so might flash it later, thanks…