Cant get Nest integration to work

I’ve been struggling with trying to repair my Nest integration (Removed Application Credentials many times) and finally deleted my Home Assistant related projects from Google Console and completely rebuilt, following the instructions on Google Nest - Home Assistant page and I’m up and working again.

It actually seemed easier this time without having to use a “callback” URI with dynamic DNS (maybe this is what was preventing me from repairing my old project and causing the error).

Thanks to those that provided the instructions.

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This is actually super helpful. If you don’t mind - what prevents you from needing the callback URI?

if you’re in it used to require a viable public callback address (URI) “” but going through the new instructions the console doesn’t ask for that any longer, just a generic ""

I’m also really struggling with adding Nest. I get the "Can’t link to [Project name]. I have deleted everything and been through all the steps a number of times and hit the same wall. The error in troubleshooting suggests is the OAuth type, but I can confirm this is “web application” and I’m using the correct redirect “Link to OAuth2 Authorize Callback – My Home Assistant” is being used.

I have been through all the forums and google to try and find the answer before posting, but nothing I have found has helped. Maybe I missed something?

I did something similar to this to get Nest working in Homebridge (which worked), but since moving to HA, I can’t get past this screen. I don’t know if something has changed recently, but any suggestions or advice would be really appreciated at this point.


As is often the way, I worked out the problem. I’m going to post it here in the hope that it helps someone else with the same issue which seems to be common.

I had to delete old Credentials in the HA integration screen and re-add the google OAuth details. This is in the Troubleshooting but for some reason, I missed it many many times, maybe the title is misleading to novice users? Either way, it’s this bit:


I am new in homeassistant
I was trying to integrate Google nest with HA
I got the same trouble
Can’t link ……

I deleted the credentials in HA as you said
And tried again.
After entering the project ID. I get this page

Then when I press on the question mark, so I am directed to the installation procedure site in HA

Can you please do the guide step by step to integrate it correctly.
What should I do ? :thinking::slightly_smiling_face:

Hi all. I am getting the same blank notification box when I try to link my account. Can anybody assist. Many thanks

Good morning!

I am unsure if you resolved this issue, but since I had this issue resolved, I wanted to post it here.

My problem was that I had the incorrect credentials saved and had to remove them by clicking on the three dots and clearing out the creds. Once I did that, I could successfully add the client ID, Client Secret, Project ID, and Device Project ID without any issues.

I too have this issue of “Google Nest” box displayed after all the configuration. (I have removed credentials and added, I have created new instance of the HA and configured Nest as a single integration). All resulted same.

The logs shows that there is a timeout for OAuth response.

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.config_entry_oauth2_flow
Source: helpers/
First occurred: 7:31:16 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:31:16 AM

Timeout resolving OAuth token:
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Same behavior as PS_R here. The OAuth token resolution timeout message is the only error in the logs.

FIXED FOR ME - I have been experiencing some connectivity issues lately with my home IoT devices. I am using a Ubiquiti Unifi Dream Machine SE as a router/gateway.

Turning off IGMP Snooping in the network settings might have just fixed this. It’s the only thing I’m aware of changing, and it has suddenly started working. Worth a try, if your networks have a similar setting to protect against IGMP floods.

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“No access to Partner”. If you hit this message. It might be you just didn’t migrate your nest to a google account, before all the setting up. I bought my thermostat when it wasn’t a google company (Nest). So I used a Hotmail, login. However, after migrating to Google, via the Nest login pages, the problem went away.

When you go down the rabbit hole, with all these settings, and APIs, you sometimes forget where the doorway was. :crazy_face:

Hope it helps someone searching for this particular problem.

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When you go down the rabbit hole, with all these settings, and APIs, you sometimes forget where the doorway was. :crazy_face:

Hope it helps someone searching for this particular problem.`

Exact issue I came across, after spending what seemed like hours going through the whole setup process 2 or 3x :see_no_evil:

@Chris_Lawton Yes that was the same issue I had!

After spending hours, creating new projects, new users, new certs, I found a comment post on the bottom of website, of the video creator for the youtube video which is embedded in the Home Assistant Google Nest page.

I had not migrated my old Nest account to a Google account. Doing this migration via the Nest app fixed everything and allowed me to link my account without the “No access to partner” error message.

I have raised a PR to update the official documentation.

Copy of my edit.
“- No access to partner information “Information could not be retrieved” error message during the setup wizard means that the Google Account used is not able to access the Home. Please ensure that you have successfully migrated your Nest Account to a Google Account using the Google Nest App. Additionally, if your home has multiple members, please note that the individual who initially set up the home must complete the migration of their Nest Account to a Google Account before you can establish a connection with Home Assistant.”

I believe this fixed the issue, can I ask if you could please mark this post as the solution, to help others find it in the future? :white_check_mark: