Cant get RFID-RC522 to setup

Hi, i have a problem setting up an RFID-RC522 with ESPHome.

Everytime i try to reboot the ESP the output is following:

Communication with the MFRC522 might be down, reset in x

I don’t know why and its already been about 2 hrs of trying anything. I already rechecked all connections etc.

My YAML looks the following:

  name: alarmrfid
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp01_1m

# Enable logging
  level: VERBOSE

# Enable Home Assistant API

  password: "XXX"

  ssid: "XXX"
  password: "XXX"

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "XXXX"
    password: "XXXX"


  clk_pin: 5
  mosi_pin: 16
  miso_pin: 12
  id: "rfidspibus"

  cs_pin: 4
  reset_pin: 14
  update_interval: 3s
  spi_id: "rfidspibus"

UPDATE: I Removed the update_interval: 3s and now it says that:

[17:27:21][C][rc522:099]: RC522:
[17:27:21][E][rc522:104]: Reset command failed!
[17:27:21][C][rc522:108]:   RESET Pin: GPIO14 (Mode: OUTPUT)
[17:27:21][C][rc522:110]:   Update Interval: 1.0s

Comment out the reset_pin, it is not always needed.

Already tried that, unfortunately didn’t change a single thing :frowning:

It is a late response, but are you sure that you did set the ESP8266 board correctly as esp01_1m?
As I understand it, an ESP01 board only has a limited number of IO pins available (GPIO0, GPIO1, GPIO2 and GPIO3), and you are using at least 5 pins?

Yes, knowing the exact board might help.

Well it turned out that I had very cheap RFID Board that simply didn’t worked at all. I send them back.