Can't get some shelly lights to connect

I am having a problem getting some of my shelly dimmers to connect. All shelly dimmers are accessible from the shelly app at this point. ! connected fine. None of the others would then connect. I rebooted the wifi router, got another to connect.
However the 2 others are saying “No devices or entities”
I have checked here: Shelly - Home Assistant
I assume it is a Gen 2 device. My device does not have Settings >> Connectivity >> Outbound WebSocket option.
Even tried the option for Gen 1, and I don’t have that setting either.

Outbound WebSocket is ONLY for battery powered devices.

It would be easier to help if you wrote what devices you are talking about and whether you are using core integration or ShelyForHass integration.

Sorry, I thought I had posted they were “Shelly Dimmer 2.”
And I am pretty sure I am just using the core integration. I didn’t install it (It detected the devices itself) and in HA its just called “Shelly”
Thanks for taking the time to help. Let me know if you need any additional information.

Well, I ended up finally either getting, or finding an error that is helpful. It didn’t support the firmware.
I do however have a “Shelly Dimmer” that I can’t seem to get working :frowning: Looks like it may no longer be supported? It is supported and working on another instance of Home Assistant.

Dimmer 2 is a gen 1 device and it should use firmware 1.14.0. For gen 1 devices you need to configure CoIoT peer.

Thank you. I switched to and tried ShellyForHass… Big mistake. Although it did work with the dimmer 1. The dimmer 2’s at least were very eratic in response. I will look into setting the 1 up once the HA reconfig is in a better place and has a static IP