I want to find out the total amount of energy (integral) going through an INA219 sensor over a period of time. The power data is coming in via MQTT and seems to be working.
I have tried to follow the instructions for how to configure these statistics in the configuration.yaml file, but I can find any of the output from the total sensor. This is what I have put in my configuration.yaml file.
mqtt: !include mqtt.yaml
- platform: statistics
name: "Energy Discharge 0x40"
entity_id: sensor.charge_monitor_0x40_power
state_characteristic: total
- platform: ping
host: google.com.au
name: "Google.com.au"
count: 2
scan_interval: 15
I have left the link to the MQTT file in plus the binary sensor in case I have formatted something wrong with these and they are impacting on the problem. Thank you for your assistance.