Can't get transitions to workty

I struggle to get this transition that I have set up in a script to work. I want to turn a light off slowly over an hour or two. Here is the config I am using:

  alias: Turn Off James's Light
  - service: light.turn_off
        transition: 3600
      entity_id: light.jamess_fan
  mode: single
  icon: mdi:lightbulb-auto-outline

However, when I run this script, the light turns off immediately. I have tried calling the light.turn_off service with that transition in the Dev tools. The dimming works fine at that point. I’m not sure what is different between the two and how to get it to work in the script properly. Here is the YAML that I use in Dev tools:

service: light.turn_off
  transition: 3600
  entity_id: light.jamess_fan

You use entity in one and device in the other.
Try using the entity in the script

My automation transitions broke after one of the April updates. I’m using only entity_id

alias: 'Timed Lights: Hallway'
description: ''
  - platform: sun
    event: sunset
    offset: '-00:50:00'
condition: []
  - service: scene.turn_on
        - scene.hallway_full_bright
      transition: 7
mode: single

I updated it, so it uses entity id for both examples, but it doesn’t make a difference. When the transition is in the script, it doesn’t work.

Maybe a bug. It works with core-2022.5.0bx.

Looking forward to the release then!

Hm no, my lights turn on instantly still even after update, ignoring the 7 second transition I set

What light bulbs are you using?

Hue bulbs, they support transitions and were successfully doing them just a few weeks ago

Me too. My test automation works as expected:

alias: test transition
description: ''
  - platform: state
      - input_boolean.test
    to: 'on'
condition: []
  - service: scene.turn_on
      transition: 7
      entity_id: scene.wohnzimmer_lesen
mode: single

What does the debug trace say?

I’m having the exact same experience. I see more and more of these questions popping up, so I guess it’s just a bug. I will file a bug report for this. I can’t get transition to work even in the dev tools.

I’m running Supervised. And you?

Same… I see a recent bug report: Scene change ignores transition time · Issue #12540 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

But this is focussing on the scene. And I actually think it’s in the Hue integration.

Ok… I don’t get it. It’s working flawlessly for me. Thought that custom scenes that were created in the scene editor could cause the problem, so I created one, but this works, too. :woman_shrugging:

Try to also provide a brightness. It seems that the brightness is needed for the transition to work. Also see my bug report:

Okay! Now I see the problem. Thanks for the raised issue.

I do have the brightness defined in my scene and it still fails to do the transition