Can't get weather card working in wallpanel under Fully Kiosk

I need some help. I really tried to get this to work, tried everything.

Using a Kindle Fire 8 HD, using the fully kiosk integration which is great, but the screensavers are sort of static. So I’m using wallpanel from HACs to handle the screensaver function.

The timing and pictures loaded from a URL work great, but I can’t get the weather display info no matter what I do, no matter what entities I use.

I’ve installed openweathermap integration as my source of weather and entities. I’ve created the code including a weather card in the section of wall panel at the top of my raw owed for my kiosk menu.

And the screensaver comes on, but all I get is an error that the “Entity not available weather.home”. I don’t have an entity called weather.home. Where is it getting it from? You can see from the code that I’m using one of the openweathermap entities.

So how do I get my Toronto Ontario weather working in a wallpanel screensaver running inside of fully kiosk? I’m happy to add a bounty, a $25 coffee for someone who can get it working using the current setup.

Here’s my code:
enabled: true
hide_toolbar: false
hide_sidebar: false
fullscreen: false
idle_time: 30
keep_screen_on_time: 0
fade_in_time: 2
crossfade_time: 2
display_time: 20
image_fit: cover
crop_mode: original
control_reactivation_time: 0.5
background-color: ‘#333333dd
‘–wp-card-width’: 900px
background-color: ‘#ffffff99
box-shadow: >-
0px 2px 1px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0px 1px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14),
0px 1px 3px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)
‘–ha-card-background’: none
‘–ha-card-box-shadow’: none
‘–primary-background-color’: ‘#fafafa
‘–secondary-background-color’: ‘#e5e5e5
‘–primary-text-color’: ‘#212121
‘–secondary-text-color’: ‘#727272
- type: vertical-stack
- type: custom:weather-card
details: true
forecast: true
hourly_forecast: false
name: Weather
entity: weather.openweathermap
current: true
number_of_forecasts: ‘6’
- type: custom:sun-card
darkMode: true
showAzimuth: true
showElevation: true
title: Front Door Kiosk

Please post your code as preformatted text (</> in the toolbar).

  enabled: true
  hide_toolbar: false
  hide_sidebar: false
  fullscreen: false
  idle_time: 30
  keep_screen_on_time: 0
  fade_in_time: 2
  crossfade_time: 2
  display_time: 20
  image_fit: cover
  crop_mode: original
  control_reactivation_time: 0.5
    background-color: '#333333dd'
    '--wp-card-width': 900px
    background-color: '#ffffff99'
    box-shadow: >-
      0px 2px 1px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0px 1px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14),
      0px 1px 3px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)
    '--ha-card-background': none
    '--ha-card-box-shadow': none
    '--primary-background-color': '#fafafa'
    '--secondary-background-color': '#e5e5e5'
    '--primary-text-color': '#212121'
    '--secondary-text-color': '#727272'
    - type: vertical-stack
        - type: custom:weather-card
          details: true
          forecast: true
          hourly_forecast: false
          name: Weather
          entity: weather.openweathermap
          current: true
          number_of_forecasts: '6'
        - type: custom:sun-card
          darkMode: true
          showAzimuth: true
          showElevation: true
title: Front Door Kiosk

Done. Can you tell me what’s stopping the weather card inside Wallpanel from showing the weather?

Have you refreshed/reloaded the page in the Fully Kiosk Browser after making the change in the wallpanel config to use weather.openweathermap?

I have just tested using the custom:weather-card on a dashboard using the openweathermap entity (weather.openweathermap) instead of the default weather.home and it loads it fine for me.

    - type: custom:weather-card
      details: true
      forecast: true
      hourly_forecast: false
      name: Weather
      entity: weather.openweathermap
      current: true
      number_of_forecasts: '6'

I have exited and re-started FKB a dozen times, likely re-booted the tablet a few times as I’m in the early stages. Is there a distinction between reloading a page and just re-starting FK?

Does the weather-card work ok when not using FKB? I have just tried installing FKB on my phone and the weather-card on the wallpanel screen saver updates immediately for me when I change the weather entity on the dashboard page on my PC.

I do have a weather.home entity provided by the integration, so maybe something is stuck trying to load that entity. You could try adding that integration to get the weather.home entity created and then you can try setting the weather-card to use weather.home to make sure it loads then change it back to weather.openweathermap.

Wait a minute. Are you saying you need to have the integration for this to work?

This is nuts. I added, changed the code to reference one of those entities, and when the screensaver activates, I still get:

Entity Not Available: weather.home

It looks like the software is hard-coded to search only for that entity. Seems to be a bug somewhere.

I only suggested to try setting up to try and have a weather.home entity created to see if it works as I do have a weather.home entity on my HA setup
For me, the wallpanel screensaver weather-card is working fine using weather.openweathermaps so its definitely not hard coded to the weather.home entity.
Does the weather-card work for you when using it on a normal dashboard and not on the wallpanel screensaver? If it works normally but not with wallpanel then maybe its something on wallpanel causing this. I see you have already raised an issue with the developer. Lets hope they can help you with the problem.

Works fine just in a regular card on a dashboard. Thanks for helping me get through this.

Were you able to get this figured out? I have the same issue.

Click on your dashboard weather card, then on the preferences symbol: here you can change the enitity id to weather.home and you have to update the name in the wallpanel config as well. (see images below)
hope it helps and thanks for the link to the github issue :slight_smile:


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This worked for me, Thanx