Can't get working external_url

Hi all!
I’m trying to get external_url working again without success.
It worked fine until some time ago but not anymore.

I’ve a static IP on my connection and I reach it using a DNS.
Let’s Encrypt module has done correctly the certificate renew using the http challenge.
On the router I’ve forwarded 8123, 80 and 443 ports to the Raspberry PI4 local IP.
In the configuration file I’ve added this settings:

  external_url: "https://***" // Tried using "https://***:8123" too
  internal_url: ""
    ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
    ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

But nothing. The browser return time out error.

Hassio 2020.12.1
Hassio OS 5.4.79-v7l

What can i try?

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Seems like yaml option is not there any more. I have managed to input URLs via Web UI: Configuration -> General -> External URL