I’m trying to get local control of my Wyze cam. I replaced the factory firmware with thingino firmware. I installed the frigate add-on and integration in my HA OS instance. I already had MQTT working via the mosquito broker to get data from my car through onstar. I created a user profile specifically for MQTT in HA and gave it access. I can see the camera feed in the Frigate integration, so that part is working. However, when I try to access any of the camera sensors or configuration settings through the Frigate integration they all say unavailable.
When I set up the frigate.yml file I added the host and user/password info but I’m not sure if it will work because I’m using a domain server for all access to HA, both local and internet. Here is the code with the sensitive info changed:
host: https://homeassistant.ddns.net/#Insert the IP address of your Home Assistant
port: 1883
topic_prefix: frigate
client_id: frigate
user: mqtt-User #Change to match the username set in your MQTT Broker
password: password #Change to match the password set in your MQTT Broker
stats_interval: 60
Nursery: #Change this to a name of the camera that makes sense to you
record: preset-record-generic-audio-aac #Insert this if your camera supports audio output
- path: rtsp://thingino:[email protected]:554/ch0 #Change as per your camera documentation for high quality feed
- record
- path: rtsp://thingino:[email protected]:554/ch1 #Change as per your camera documentation for low quality feed
- detect
height: 360 #Change this to match the resolution of your detection channel (in this case channel 1)
width: 640 #Change this to match the resolution of your detection channel (in this case channel 1)
fps: 10 #This is the frame rate for detection, between 5-10 fps is sufficient.
enabled: true
days: 0 #The number of days a recording will be kept for after a motion is detected.
mode: motion
default: 30 #The event data will be kept for 1 day. After this period, the event data will be automatically deleted.
mode: motion
- person
- car
version: 0.14
Any ideas on what I’m doing wrong? I’ve been at this for hours and haven’t made any headway. Thanks in advance!
host: https://homeassistant.ddns.net/ #Insert the IP address of your Home Assistant
port: 1883
topic_prefix: frigate
client_id: frigate
user: mqtt-User #Change to match the username set in your MQTT Broker
password: password #Change to match the password set in your MQTT Broker
stats_interval: 60
Nursery: #Change this to a name of the camera that makes sense to you
record: preset-record-generic-audio-aac #Insert this if your camera supports audio output
- path: rtsp://thingino:[email protected]:554/ch0 #Change as per your camera documentation for high quality feed
- record
- path: rtsp://thingino:[email protected]:554/ch1 #Change as per your camera documentation for low quality feed
- detect
height: 360 #Change this to match the resolution of your detection channel (in this case channel 1)
width: 640 #Change this to match the resolution of your detection channel (in this case channel 1)
fps: 10 #This is the frame rate for detection, between 5-10 fps is sufficient.
enabled: true
days: 0 #The number of days a recording will be kept for after a motion is detected.
mode: motion
default: 30 #The event data will be kept for 1 day. After this period, the event data will be automatically deleted.
mode: motion
- person
- car
version: 0.14
Been trying to figure out the logs to see if it’s connecting. Unfortunately I’ve now lost connection to the rtsp feed in HA and I’m not sure what I did. I can still view the rtsp feed through VLC but it’s not showing up in Frigate now. Just keep getting this error:
Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for Nursery.
2025-01-29 01:14:13.981379548 [2025-01-28 18:14:13] watchdog.Nursery ERROR : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
2025-01-29 01:14:13.981382506 [2025-01-28 18:14:13] ffmpeg.Nursery.detect ERROR : [tcp @ 0x558ff15852c0] Connection to tcp:// failed: No route to host
2025-01-29 01:14:13.981384838 [2025-01-28 18:14:13] ffmpeg.Nursery.detect ERROR : rtsp://:@ No route to host
2025-01-29 01:14:14.021655824 [2025-01-28 18:14:13] watchdog.Nursery ERROR : No new recording segments were created for Nursery in the last 120s. restarting the ffmpeg record process…
2025-01-29 01:14:14.021664374 [2025-01-28 18:14:13] watchdog.Nursery INFO : Terminating the existing ffmpeg process…
2025-01-29 01:14:14.021666770 [2025-01-28 18:14:13] watchdog.Nursery INFO : Waiting for ffmpeg to exit gracefully…
2025-01-29 01:14:17.067429739 [2025-01-28 18:14:17] frigate.video ERROR : Nursery: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
2025-01-29 01:14:17.068500491 [2025-01-28 18:14:17] frigate.video ERROR : Nursery: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread…
So I went into the mosquito broker to see what I could learn but I’m not sure what I’m looking at. I have MQTT working for my car through onstar so I believe that is what is showing up here. I don’t think frigate is connecting via MQTT but I’ve done everything in the configuration file that it said to do.
One question I had is whether the fact that my instance is connected through a domain server if that is causing it not to connect. Where the frigate.yml file asks for the ip address I put my domain name which I use to connect to my instance both remotely and at home. This doesn’t seem to cause a problem with my other MQTT device though, so I’m not sure what to check next.