Cant get YAML and LAMDA working

Can anyone help me with this, i’ve tried this in so many variations and it just will not work? Gives me formatting errors.


####Wind Direction Start####
  - platform: mlx90393
    id: mlx
      name: "mlx_x"
      name: "mlx_y"
      name: "mlx_z"
    update_interval: 1s

  - platform: template
    id: 'wind_direction'
    name: 'Wind Direction'
    update_interval: 5s
    lambda: |-
      float w0 = id(x);
      float w1 = id(y);
      w0 = min(max(w0 * 2.0 - 1.0, -1.0), 1.0);
      w1 = min(max(w1 * 2.0 - 1.0, -1.0), 1.0);
      float w = atan2(w0, w1);
      w = 360.0 * w / (2.0 * M_PI) + 180.0;
      if ( w >= 360.0 ) w -= 360.0;
      if ( w < 0 ) w = 0;
      return w;
####END Wind Direction####

Maybe post the errors it gives you? There is probably a clue in there.

Where are these defined? Not in the yaml you have posted.

Sure, sorry heres the full YAML.

  name: weather-station
  friendly_name: weather-station

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API


  sda: 21
  scl: 22
  scan: True

  latitude: 36.8509
  longitude: 74.7645

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
  fast_connect: true


####Wifi Signal Start####
  - platform: wifi_signal # Reports the WiFi signal strength/RSSI in dB
    name: "WiFi Signal dB"
    id: wifi_signal_db
    update_interval: 60s
    entity_category: "diagnostic"

  - platform: copy # Reports the WiFi signal strength in %
    source_id: wifi_signal_db
    name: "WiFi Signal Percent"
      - lambda: return min(max(2 * (x + 100.0), 0.0), 100.0);
    unit_of_measurement: "Signal %"
    entity_category: "diagnostic"
####Wifi Signal END###

####Tempreature & Humidity Start####
  - platform: sht3xd
      name: "Temperature"
      name: "Humidity"
    address: 0x44
    update_interval: 60s
####Tempreature & Humidity END####

####Rainfall Start####
  - platform: pulse_counter
    name: 'Rainfall'
    id: rain_gauge
    # pin ADC1_1
      number: 32
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
    internal_filter: 13us
    update_interval: 1s
      rising_edge: DISABLE
      falling_edge: INCREMENT
#    unit_of_measurement: "mm"
    icon: "mdi:water"
      - multiply: 1.0000

  - platform: integration
    name: "Rainfall Per Minute"
    id: rain_per_min
    time_unit: min
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    icon: 'mdi:weather-rainy'
    sensor: rain_gauge

  - platform: total_daily_energy
    name: "Total Daily Rain"
    power_id: rain_gauge
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    icon: 'mdi:weather-rainy'
    # x60 To convert to aggregated rain amount
      - multiply: 60
    accuracy_decimals: 4
####Rainfall End####

  - platform: sun
    name: "Sun elevation"
    type: elevation
    update_interval: 120s

  - platform: sun
    name: "Sun azimuth"
    type: azimuth
    update_interval: 120s
####Wind Direction END####

####Wind Speed Start####
  - platform: pulse_meter
      # Don't forget to add a pulling resistor, see README
      number: GPIO33
      mode: INPUT
    id: wind_speed
    unit_of_measurement: 'm/s'
    name: "Wind Speed"
    icon: 'mdi:weather-windy'
    internal_filter: 13us
    timeout: 5s
      - multiply: 0.005560619
      - sliding_window_moving_average:
          window_size: 20
          send_every: 20

  - platform: copy
    name: 'Wind Speed Average'
    icon: 'mdi:weather-windy'
    id: wind_speed_avg
    source_id: wind_speed
    unit_of_measurement: 'm/s'
      - throttle_average: 5s

  - platform: copy
    name: 'Wind Speed (km/h)'
    id: wind_speed_kmh
    source_id: wind_speed
    unit_of_measurement: 'km/h'
    icon: 'mdi:weather-windy'
      - multiply: 3.6

  - platform: copy
    name: 'Wind Speed Average (km/h)'
    icon: 'mdi:weather-windy'
    id: wind_speed_kmh_avg
    source_id: wind_speed_avg
    unit_of_measurement: 'km/h'
      - multiply: 3.6
  ####Wind Speed END####

####FAN Switch Start####
  - platform: gpio
    pin: 25
    name: "Fan"
    inverted: True
####Fan Switch END####

####Status LED Start####
  - platform: neopixelbus
    type: GRB
    variant: WS2811
    pin: GPIO23
    num_leds: 1
    name: "Status LED"
    restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF
####Status LED END####

####Rain Reset Timer Start####
  - interval: 60s
      - sensor.integration.reset: rain_per_min
####Rain Reset Timer END####

# Enable time component to reset energy at midnight
  - platform: homeassistant

Apologies - I didn’t drop enough hints. When you’ve been a IT team lead for 30 years you try and make the guys work it out. Try:

####Wind Direction Start####
  - platform: mlx90393
    id: mlx
      name: "mlx_x"
      id: "x"
      name: "mlx_y"
      id: "y"
      name: "mlx_z"
    update_interval: 1s

  - platform: template
    id: 'wind_direction'
    name: 'Wind Direction'
    update_interval: 5s
    lambda: |-
      float w0 = id(x);
      float w1 = id(y);
      w0 = min(max(w0 * 2.0 - 1.0, -1.0), 1.0);
      w1 = min(max(w1 * 2.0 - 1.0, -1.0), 1.0);
      float w = atan2(w0, w1);
      w = 360.0 * w / (2.0 * M_PI) + 180.0;
      if ( w >= 360.0 ) w -= 360.0;
      if ( w < 0 ) w = 0;
      return w;
####END Wind Direction####

Note the addition of the id: in the sensor definition. In the docs:

  • x_axis (Optional): The information for the x-axis.
    • name (Required, string): The name for the x-axis sensor.
    • id (Optional, ID): Set the ID of this sensor for use in lambdas.

EDIT: Also apologies for being a smartass. I just announced my retirement at the end of this year so I’m feeling a bit smug. :slight_smile:


Its working,

Sorry, what did you change just so i know :wink:

Ah wait, spoke too soon haha…

INFO ESPHome 2023.8.2
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/weather-station.yaml...
INFO Generating C++ source...
INFO Compiling app...
Processing weather-station (board: esp32dev; framework: arduino; platform: platformio/[email protected])
HARDWARE: ESP32 240MHz, 320KB RAM, 4MB Flash
 - toolchain-xtensa-esp32 @ 8.4.0+2021r2-patch5
Dependency Graph
|-- WiFi @ 2.0.0
|-- ESPmDNS @ 2.0.0
|-- Update @ 2.0.0
|-- noise-c @ 0.1.4
|-- Wire @ 2.0.0
|-- arduino-MLX90393 @ 1.0.0
|-- NeoPixelBus @ 2.7.3
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/src/main.cpp.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib64d/WiFi/WiFiScan.cpp.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib64d/WiFi/WiFiServer.cpp.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib64d/WiFi/WiFiUdp.cpp.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib915/ESPmDNS/ESPmDNS.cpp.o
Archiving /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib64d/libWiFi.a
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/libbc6/Update/HttpsOTAUpdate.cpp.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/libbc6/Update/Updater.cpp.o
/config/esphome/weather-station.yaml: In lambda function:
/config/esphome/weather-station.yaml:147:18: error: cannot convert 'esphome::sensor::Sensor*' to 'float' in initialization
       float w0 = id(x);
/config/esphome/weather-station.yaml:148:18: error: cannot convert 'esphome::sensor::Sensor*' to 'float' in initialization
       float w1 = id(y);
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib398/libsodium/crypto_aead/chacha20poly1305/sodium/aead_chacha20poly1305.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib398/libsodium/crypto_core/ed25519/core_ed25519.c.o
*** [/data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/src/main.cpp.o] Error 1

Added the Id: lines - so that the ids you were referencing in lambda existed.

Try float w1 = atof(id(y));

They are probably string arrays and you need to force conversion.

Gives me even more errors :frowning:

Dependency Graph
|-- WiFi @ 2.0.0
|-- ESPmDNS @ 2.0.0
|-- Update @ 2.0.0
|-- noise-c @ 0.1.4
|-- Wire @ 2.0.0
|-- arduino-MLX90393 @ 1.0.0
|-- NeoPixelBus @ 2.7.3
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/src/main.cpp.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib398/libsodium/sodium/core.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib398/libsodium/sodium/runtime.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib398/libsodium/sodium/utils.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/backend/openssl/cipher-aesgcm.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/backend/ref/cipher-aesgcm.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/backend/ref/cipher-chachapoly.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/backend/ref/dh-curve25519.c.o
Archiving /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib398/libsodium.a
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/backend/ref/hash-blake2b.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/backend/ref/hash-blake2s.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/backend/ref/hash-sha256.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/backend/sodium/cipher-aesgcm.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/backend/sodium/cipher-chachapoly.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/backend/sodium/dh-curve25519.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/backend/sodium/hash-blake2b.c.o
/config/esphome/weather-station.yaml: In lambda function:
/config/esphome/weather-station.yaml:147:18: error: cannot convert 'esphome::sensor::Sensor*' to 'float' in initialization
       float w0 = id(x);
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/backend/sodium/hash-sha256.c.o
/config/esphome/weather-station.yaml:148:18: error: cannot convert 'esphome::sensor::Sensor*' to 'float' in initialization
       float w1 = id(y);
/config/esphome/weather-station.yaml:151:13: error: redeclaration of 'float w1'
       float w1 = atof(id(y));
/config/esphome/weather-station.yaml:148:13: note: 'float w1' previously declared here
       float w1 = id(y);
/config/esphome/weather-station.yaml:151:23: error: cannot convert 'esphome::sensor::Sensor*' to 'const char*'
       float w1 = atof(id(y));
In file included from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/cstdlib:75,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/stdlib.h:36,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/tools/sdk/esp32/include/newlib/platform_include/assert.h:21,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/sys-include/sys/reent.h:503,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/tools/sdk/esp32/include/newlib/platform_include/sys/reent.h:17,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/sys-include/wchar.h:6,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/cwchar:44,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/bits/postypes.h:40,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/bits/char_traits.h:40,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/string:40,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/stdexcept:39,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/array:39,
                 from src/esphome/components/api/api_noise_context.h:3,
                 from src/esphome/components/api/api_frame_helper.h:13,
                 from src/esphome/components/api/api_connection.h:3,
                 from src/esphome.h:3,
                 from src/main.cpp:3:
/data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/sys-include/stdlib.h:81:26: note:   initializing argument 1 of 'double atof(const char*)'
 double atof (const char *__nptr);
/config/esphome/weather-station.yaml:152:7: error: 'w' was not declared in this scope
       w = 360.0 * w / (2.0 * M_PI) + 180.0;
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/crypto/aes/rijndael-alg-fst.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/crypto/blake2/blake2b.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/crypto/blake2/blake2s.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/crypto/chacha/chacha.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/crypto/donna/curve25519-donna-c64.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/crypto/donna/curve25519-donna.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/crypto/donna/poly1305-donna.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/crypto/sha2/sha256.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/crypto/sha2/sha512.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/crypto/x25519/x25519.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/protocol/cipherstate.c.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/protocol/dhstate.c.o
*** [/data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/src/main.cpp.o] Error 1
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/noise-c/protocol/errors.c.o
========================== [FAILED] Took 3.11 seconds ==========================

Start by not declaring a variable twice:

  - platform: template
    id: 'wind_direction'
    name: 'Wind Direction'
    update_interval: 5s
    lambda: |-
      float w0 = atof(id(x));
      float w1 = atof(id(y));
      w0 = min(max(w0 * 2.0 - 1.0, -1.0), 1.0);
      w1 = min(max(w1 * 2.0 - 1.0, -1.0), 1.0);
      float w = atan2(w0, w1);
      w = 360.0 * w / (2.0 * M_PI) + 180.0;
      if ( w >= 360.0 ) w -= 360.0;
      if ( w < 0 ) w = 0;
      return w;
####END Wind Direction####

You still may get errors - it’s Friday night and I’m on to the last glass of red from the bottle. :smirk:

Oh no! Stop drinking I need you! lol

More errors. I really struggle to interpret the errors to actually be able to troubleshoot.

Dependency Graph
|-- WiFi @ 2.0.0
|-- ESPmDNS @ 2.0.0
|-- Update @ 2.0.0
|-- noise-c @ 0.1.4
|-- Wire @ 2.0.0
|-- arduino-MLX90393 @ 1.0.0
|-- NeoPixelBus @ 2.7.3
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/src/main.cpp.o
Archiving /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib2c1/libnoise-c.a
/config/esphome/weather-station.yaml: In lambda function:
/config/esphome/weather-station.yaml:147:23: error: cannot convert 'esphome::sensor::Sensor*' to 'const char*'
       float w0 = atof(id(x));
In file included from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/cstdlib:75,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/stdlib.h:36,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/tools/sdk/esp32/include/newlib/platform_include/assert.h:21,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/sys-include/sys/reent.h:503,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/tools/sdk/esp32/include/newlib/platform_include/sys/reent.h:17,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/sys-include/wchar.h:6,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/cwchar:44,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/bits/postypes.h:40,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/bits/char_traits.h:40,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/string:40,
Archiving /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib4fc/libWire.a
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/stdexcept:39,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/array:39,
                 from src/esphome/components/api/api_noise_context.h:3,
                 from src/esphome/components/api/api_frame_helper.h:13,
                 from src/esphome/components/api/api_connection.h:3,
                 from src/esphome.h:3,
                 from src/main.cpp:3:
/data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/sys-include/stdlib.h:81:26: note:   initializing argument 1 of 'double atof(const char*)'
 double atof (const char *__nptr);
/config/esphome/weather-station.yaml:148:23: error: cannot convert 'esphome::sensor::Sensor*' to 'const char*'
       float w1 = atof(id(y));
In file included from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/cstdlib:75,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/stdlib.h:36,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/tools/sdk/esp32/include/newlib/platform_include/assert.h:21,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/sys-include/sys/reent.h:503,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/tools/sdk/esp32/include/newlib/platform_include/sys/reent.h:17,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/sys-include/wchar.h:6,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/cwchar:44,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/bits/postypes.h:40,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/bits/char_traits.h:40,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/string:40,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/stdexcept:39,
                 from /data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/include/c++/8.4.0/array:39,
                 from src/esphome/components/api/api_noise_context.h:3,
                 from src/esphome/components/api/api_frame_helper.h:13,
                 from src/esphome/components/api/api_connection.h:3,
                 from src/esphome.h:3,
                 from src/main.cpp:3:
/data/cache/platformio/packages/[email protected]+2021r2-patch5/xtensa-esp32-elf/sys-include/stdlib.h:81:26: note:   initializing argument 1 of 'double atof(const char*)'
 double atof (const char *__nptr);
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib8c2/arduino-MLX90393/MLX90393.cpp.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib8c2/arduino-MLX90393/MLX90393ArduinoHal.cpp.o
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib6b4/SPI/SPI.cpp.o
*** [/data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/src/main.cpp.o] Error 1
========================== [FAILED] Took 3.28 seconds ==========================

Ah - ok - it’s coming back to me now…

Try this - sensors are their own type, so this might work:

  - platform: template
    id: 'wind_direction'
    name: 'Wind Direction'
    update_interval: 5s
    lambda: |-
      float w0 = atof(id(x).state.c_str());
      float w1 = atof(id(y).state.c_str());
      w0 = min(max(w0 * 2.0 - 1.0, -1.0), 1.0);
      w1 = min(max(w1 * 2.0 - 1.0, -1.0), 1.0);
      float w = atan2(w0, w1);
      w = 360.0 * w / (2.0 * M_PI) + 180.0;
      if ( w >= 360.0 ) w -= 360.0;
      if ( w < 0 ) w = 0;
      return w;
####END Wind Direction####

Getting closer, less errors.

HARDWARE: ESP32 240MHz, 320KB RAM, 4MB Flash
 - toolchain-xtensa-esp32 @ 8.4.0+2021r2-patch5
Dependency Graph
|-- WiFi @ 2.0.0
|-- ESPmDNS @ 2.0.0
|-- Update @ 2.0.0
|-- noise-c @ 0.1.4
|-- Wire @ 2.0.0
|-- arduino-MLX90393 @ 1.0.0
|-- NeoPixelBus @ 2.7.3
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/src/main.cpp.o
/config/esphome/weather-station.yaml: In lambda function:
/config/esphome/weather-station.yaml:147:32: error: request for member 'c_str' in 'x->esphome::sensor::Sensor::state', which is of non-class type 'float'
       float w0 = atof(id(x).state.c_str());
/config/esphome/weather-station.yaml:148:32: error: request for member 'c_str' in 'y->esphome::sensor::Sensor::state', which is of non-class type 'float'
       float w1 = atof(id(y).state.c_str());
Archiving /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib8c2/libarduino-MLX90393.a
Archiving /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/lib6b4/libSPI.a
Compiling /data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/libe02/NeoPixelBus/internal/Esp32_i2s.c.o
*** [/data/weather-station/.pioenvs/weather-station/src/main.cpp.o] Error 1
========================== [FAILED] Took 3.20 seconds ==========================

lol! I’m having a sugar fix but not helping the brain. So you were right in the first instance - they are probably already float, but you were referencing the sensor, not the value of the sensor…

Try this:

  - platform: template
    id: 'wind_direction'
    name: 'Wind Direction'
    update_interval: 5s
    lambda: |-
      float w0 = id(x).state;
      float w1 = id(y).state;
      w0 = min(max(w0 * 2.0 - 1.0, -1.0), 1.0);
      w1 = min(max(w1 * 2.0 - 1.0, -1.0), 1.0);
      float w = atan2(w0, w1);
      w = 360.0 * w / (2.0 * M_PI) + 180.0;
      if ( w >= 360.0 ) w -= 360.0;
      if ( w < 0 ) w = 0;
      return w;
####END Wind Direction####

Thank you so much that worked.

Ill test it for calibration.


I know this is asking a lot, but is there a way to have it report N, SW, S, SW etc.?

Ah - so that I have, but unfortunately I do it in HA:

  - platform: template
          friendly_name: 'Wind Ordinal'
          value_template: >-
            {%if states.sensor.wind_direction.state | float<=11 %}N
            {% elif states.sensor.wind_direction.state | float>348 %}N
            {% elif states.sensor.wind_direction.state | float<=34 | float>11 %}NNE
            {% elif states.sensor.wind_direction.state | float<=56 | float>34 %}NE
            {% elif states.sensor.wind_direction.state | float<=79 | float>56 %}ENE
            {% elif states.sensor.wind_direction.state | float<=101 | float>79 %}E
            {% elif states.sensor.wind_direction.state | float<=124 | float>101 %}ESE
            {% elif states.sensor.wind_direction.state | float<=146 | float>124 %}SE
            {% elif states.sensor.wind_direction.state | float<=169 | float>146 %}SSE
            {% elif states.sensor.wind_direction.state | float<=191 | float>169 %}S
            {% elif states.sensor.wind_direction.state | float<=214 | float>191 %}SSW
            {% elif states.sensor.wind_direction.state | float<=236 | float>214 %}SW
            {% elif states.sensor.wind_direction.state | float<=259 | float>236 %}WSW
            {% elif states.sensor.wind_direction.state | float<=281 | float>259 %}W
            {% elif states.sensor.wind_direction.state | float<=304 | float>281 %}WNW
            {% elif states.sensor.wind_direction.state | float<=326 | float>304 %}NW
            {% elif states.sensor.wind_direction.state | float<=348 | float>326 %}NNW
            {%- endif %}

So 135 is SE.

You could convert the jinja code to lambda I reckon. If you get stuck then there’s always tomorrow. :slight_smile:

I think that could work. Thanks.

Let me do more testing.

Thanks for your help

One quick question regarding the rain gauge, im getting measurements that are about 10ml off.

So im testing my rain gauge using unit_of_measurement: ml and then pouring like 150ml of water in, its reporting 160ml.

Is this a problem, its 10ml out, is this to be expected to not get perfect measurements?
