Cant get YAML and LAMDA working

And as you turn it, is it giving expected results?

Well, not sure what is expected,

But the value changes, yes.

Where did you get these figures from then? Cant get YAML and LAMDA working - #38 by deanfourie

Seems lie a real pain in the @ss for some sensor data that you can just import from a local weather api. Sure, you won’t get precise wind speed and rain measurement for your front yard but, it’s pretty accurate where I am. Plenty accurate to skip this headache. Just saying. Easier to buy a gallon of milk than it is to buy the cow and milk it.

From the esp log output.

I used my phone compass to point the vane to a known heading, eg N, then read the value printed by X axis.

Yea but I have this weather station, got it free, might aswell use it.

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For a start, the Cardinal direction will only update every 10s, maybe increase to 1s for testing.

Next, the first if has an or operator ||, the rest have an and operator &&. I am having trouble getting my head around that.

yes I did change to 1s for instant updates

Looking again at
N - start: 318.10000 finish 2700.00000
NE - start: 7200.10000 finish 3320.00000
E - start: 3320.10000 finish 1600.00000
SE - start: 1600.10000 finish -815.00000
S - start: -815.10000 finish -2530.00000
SW - start: 2530.1000 finish -3330.00000
W - start: 3330.10000 finish -2140.00000
NW - start -2140.10000 finish 318.00000

Doesn’t make much sense. EG SW finishes at -3330, but W starts at 3330. Same with the S/SW transition. N/NE transition 2700 vs 7200.

Maybe some kind of decilination or offset?

There could even be a way to calibrate this think IDK.

Could we somehow offset it in code?

This is the magnetometer

So your observation definitely shows a jump from -3330 to +3330 when you go from SW to W?

Yes, here is a test done with everything facing N, and slowly turning the vane 360 degrees.

That is inconsistent with N being between 318 and 2700. Your first 2 readings are 78 snd 94.

Heres another with the weather station rotated. Not sure what is the front.

Both of those create a basically sinusoidal graph.

First one

Axis (1)



So your table above, and therefore the logic in your code, is faulty.

Further, a lot of your logic is just wrong. Consider

 if (id(x).state >= 7200.10000 && id(x).state < 3320.00000)

How can something be greater than 7200 and less than 3200. This will never be true.

if (id(x).state >= 3320.10000 && id(x).state < 1600.00000)

Same here, something cannot be bigger than 3320 and less than 1600. This will never be true.

Negative numbers can fool you too, viz:

if (id(x).state >= -815.10000 && id(x).state < -2530.00000)

If something is greater than -815 (ie -814 and upwards) it cannot also be less than -2530 (ie -2531 and below. This will never be true.

Thanks for the help! I ended up going with this code and special shout out and thanks to @FredTheFrog for all the help getting everything with this weather station nailed down in a PM.

It took a while but I certainly could not have gotten the wind direction working without his help!

####Wind Direction Start####
  - platform: mlx90393
    address: 0x0c
    id: mlx
      name: "mlx_x"
      id: "mlx_x"
      name: "mlx_y"
      id: "mlx_y"
      name: "mlx_z"
    update_interval: 60s

  - platform: template
    id: 'wind_direction'
    name: 'Wind Direction'
    update_interval: 2s
    lambda: |-
      float w1 = id(mlx_x).state;  // magnetometer X
      float w0 = id(mlx_y).state;  // magnetometer Y
      float w = atan2(w0, w1);     // arctangent2 = radians
      w = (w * 180) / M_PI;    // radians to degrees
      w += 19.50;              // magnetic declination
      w += 68.00;              // seems to be off by 90
      if ( w < 0 ) w += 360.0; // adjust for negatives
      return w;
####END Wind Direction####
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