Can't Google Assistant Personal Results to work

I’m at a loss guys – I’ve been at this for hours.
I followed the instructions to get Google Assistant personal results to work from this page: Google Assistant - Home Assistant, but I get to the point of tapping on the notification text, and I see a blank screen that opens and closes really fast and nothing else.
I tried this both on my Pixel 8 Pro running Android 14 and on an emulator running Android 12. Any ideas what’s causing this?

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I have the exact same problem.
Did you fget this working at all @corwijac ?

I have a OnePlus that is running Android 13.
I have spent several weeks working my way through the instructions at the following page to create all the needed credentials etc. (I have very limited time due to young baby, and I am unfamiliar with a lot of the concepts mentioned there such as python virtual envs)

But now it fails at the last step :exploding_head:

Here is what the notification looks like, and all the open blank screens that flash up and disappear again really fast when tapping on the notification.