i am struggling a bit with my Broadlink integration. I have a RM mini 3 remote and i want to integrate it into Home Assistant, but i am not even get the app to install. The integration requires a “Host” which i am not sure what it is.
Obviously i tried all combinations for my local.host which is
I had the daunting feeling it has something to do with my SSL certificates but i am not sure. I deactivated them just to install the integration but it sill gives me the same errors: “Connection failed”, “Invalid host or Ip Adress”
Does anyone have a hint for me how to solve this problem? Please i am going insane with this
It has been a while since I have integrated my rm devices, but I am sure you need to have the app installed on your phone and setup the rm mini3 to connect to your wifi (same network as your home assistant) before you can integrate with Home assistant. The host is the ip address of your rm mini 3.
Ok, for anyone as dense as me and stumbles upon this. You need to connect your RM Mini 3 to your wifi first (with the app, just follow the instructions) to obtain the ip adress of the device.
Also, in the app, after installing device, click on it. Next, click on the three dots at to right corner then Property. Then, toward the bottom, make sure that Lock Device is turned off. I think it is on by default.