Can't install ESPHome via HA AddOns page

Please have a look here >

The repository is already in the store.

Screenshot from 2022-07-16 13-29-25

Can you please help me figure out what’s wrong and how to fix it?

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Follow official documentation instead of outdated videos :wink: Getting Started with ESPHome and Home Assistant — ESPHome

Hi @vincen
Following the documentation you linked to the letter:

So I click on the “My ADD-ON” button and the browser opens HA’s log in page:

I hit “OPEN LINK” and HA’s login page appears:

I enter my credentials and the following happens:

Any ideas?

Ok, I figured it out. For anyone else who likes to follow guides to the letter, here’s what worked for me:

For clarity, the instructions here under the paragraph “Installing ESPHome Dashboard” say:

The ESPHome Dashboard can be installed as a Home Assistant add-on, which you can find in the add-on store in the Supervisor panel. Open it using the following button then click on INSTALL:

The way the last sentence is written, and especially with the “:” after the word INSTALL, may make one expect to see a button under the paragraph.

The last sentence should instead read:

The ESPHome Dashboard can be installed as a Home Assistant add-on, which you can find in the add-on store in the Supervisor panel. Search for the Add on and then install it.

@vincen thank you for your guidance

Very good point and may I suggest you to put a request to change that text so no one else is confused by it ? :wink: Link to update it is on website :slight_smile: