Can't integrate Sonoff POW 16 with Hassio


I’ve been trying to connect with no success a sonoff pow 16, flashed with tasmoto classic, to hassio through the mosquitto broker.

For what I can read on the logs, it seems to me that sonoff has connected, but nothing appears on hassio


Can anyone help?

Tell me what you need to see and I’ll post it here.



What does the console of the devices show eg
“21:31:53 MQT: Connected”
or something along those lines.
Also have you set this option: SetOption19 1

Why did you flash sonoff-classic.bin?
Is the device connected to the mqtt broker and is Home Assistant connected to the same broker?
Are you trying to have it automatically added to HA or you’re doing it manually in configuration.yaml?

Have you read the manual?


Thank you for your replies.

I’m using the mosquitto broker running on the same raspberry pi that Hassio.
I’ve set option SetOption19 1 on the sonoff/tasmota console.
I’ve read that manual, and many more trying to get it to work.

Here are the logs:

Mosquitto Logs

1553168825: |-- data=username=xxx&password=&topic=&acc=-1&clientid=
1553168825: |-- aclcheck(xxx, Aquecimento\Vestiario/STATE, 2) SUPERUSER=Y by http
1553168825: |-- Cached [0417517F8B1CA2032610AFFE0A17D39694A4E528] for (client id not available,xxx,2)
1553168825: |-- Cleanup [47915787E92545C964E1769DD42BA992297DE6D4]
1553168825: |-- Cleanup [1D9FC2D65221108BAABA861ACE9472BEB0C25F9F]
1553168825: |-- Cleanup [6875D797C77D39BF06824A123473581F87B0C2BB]
1553168825: |-- Cleanup [1C98CAE7941BB9D3C066AE9A5BDBBAB131A51724]
1553168825: |-- Cleanup [13D5ED767E52DFDB474BAE703D1CC369A45FDCA3]
1553168825: |-- Cleanup [8F33B3FA84DECBD2CE4F9A644C97BB02392CB026]
1553168825: |-- Cleanup [1F217A7628F9F44D8450C50DE66CE7377A80E49E]
1553168825: |-- Cleanup [EE3B5EEE765BB313002BDD8F8240CDC1196A95D5]
1553168825: |-- Cleanup [4C89C231F52B177017AE7D19AC9E8E2FFD538E7E]
1553168825: |-- mosquitto_auth_acl_check(…, client id not available, xxx, Aquecimento\Vestiario/SENSOR, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE)
1553168825: |-- url=
1553168825: |-- data=username=xxx&password=&topic=&acc=-1&clientid=
1553168825: |-- aclcheck(xxx, Aquecimento\Vestiario/SENSOR, 2) SUPERUSER=Y by http
1553168825: |-- Cached [47915787E92545C964E1769DD42BA992297DE6D4] for (client id not available,xxx,2)
1553169125: |-- mosquitto_auth_acl_check(…, client id not available, xxx, Aquecimento\Vestiario/STATE, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE)
1553169125: |-- aclcheck(xxx, Aquecimento\Vestiario/STATE, 2) CACHEDAUTH: 0
1553169125: |-- mosquitto_auth_acl_check(…, client id not available, xxx, Aquecimento\Vestiario/SENSOR, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE)
1553169125: |-- aclcheck(xxx, Aquecimento\Vestiario/SENSOR, 2) CACHEDAUTH: 0

Logs Sonoff Pow 16

00:00:00 SRC: Restart
00:00:00 Project sonoff Sonoff Version 6.4.1(classic)-2_4_2
00:00:00 WIF: Attempting connection…
00:00:00 WIF: Connecting to AP1 Routerzinho in mode 11N as Aquecimento_Vestiario…
00:00:01 WIF: Attempting connection…
00:00:02 WIF: Attempting connection…
00:00:03 WIF: Attempting connection…
00:00:04 WIF: Connected
00:00:04 DNS: Initialized
00:00:04 HTP: Web server active on Aquecimento_Vestiario.local with IP address
00:00:04 HTP: Main Menu
00:00:04 APP: (UTC) Thu Mar 21 11:41:47 2019, (DST) Sun Mar 31 02:00:00 2019, (STD) Sun Oct 27 03:00:00 2019
12:41:49 MQT: Attempting connection…
12:41:57 MQT: Connected
12:41:57 MQT: Aquecimento\Vestiario/LWT = Online (retained)
12:41:57 MQT: Aquecimento\Vestiario/cmnd/POWER =
12:41:57 MQT: Subscribe to Aquecimento\Vestiario/cmnd/#
12:41:57 MQT: Aquecimento\Vestiario/INFO1 = {“Module”:“Sonoff Pow”,“Version”:“6.4.1(classic)”,“FallbackTopic”:“cmnd/Vestiario_DVES_3E51D5_fb/”,“GroupTopic”:“sonoffs”}
12:41:57 MQT: Aquecimento\Vestiario/INFO2 = {“WebServerMode”:“Admin”,“Hostname”:“Aquecimento_Vestiario”,“IPAddress”:“”}
12:41:57 MQT: Aquecimento\Vestiario/INFO3 = {“RestartReason”:“Software/System restart”}
12:41:57 MQT: Aquecimento\Vestiario/RESULT = {“POWER”:“OFF”}
12:41:57 MQT: Aquecimento\Vestiario/POWER = OFF
12:41:57 HTP: Console
12:42:01 APP: Boot Count 26
12:42:01 CFG: Saved to flash at F7, Count 69, Bytes 3584
12:42:05 MQT: Aquecimento\Vestiario/STATE = {“Time”:“2019-03-21T12:42:05”,“Uptime”:“0T00:00:22”,“Vcc”:3.486,“SleepMode”:“Dynamic”,“Sleep”:50,“LoadAvg”:19,“POWER”:“OFF”,“Wifi”:{“AP”:1,“SSId”:“Routerzinho”,“BSSId”:“00:06:91:A9:7D:C0”,“Channel”:1,“RSSI”:92}}
12:42:05 MQT: Aquecimento\Vestiario/SENSOR = {“Time”:“2019-03-21T12:42:05”,“ENERGY”:{“TotalStartTime”:“2019-03-16T17:35:54”,“Total”:0.001,“Yesterday”:0.000,“Today”:0.000,“Period”:0,“Power”:0,“ApparentPower”:0,“ReactivePower”:0,“Factor”:0.00,“Voltage”:0,“Current”:0.000}}

I don’t recall why I choose classic, but I found the page about the several flavours os tasmota “unenlightening”, because I found somewhere when I was choosing, that tasmota classic didn’t support auto discovery and then in the arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota page I found this:

Which flash should I choose, and why?

What can I do to make it work?

Are you sure that you set up the autodiscovery with ‘SetOption19 1’ ?
Normally MQT messages will start with ‘homeassistant’

I had set it before, but I’ll set it again.
Is the option persistent after reboot?
How can I check if it’s active or not?

1553785670: |-- url= 1553785670: |-- data=username=mqtt_user&password=&topic=&acc=-1&clientid= 1553785670: |-- aclcheck(mqtt_user, Aquecimento\Vestiario/STATE, 2) SUPERUSER=Y by http 1553785670: |-- Cached [0417517F8B1CA2032610AFFE0A17D39694A4E528] for (client id not available,mqtt_user,2) 1553785670: |-- mosquitto_auth_acl_check(…, client id not available, mqtt_user, Aquecimento\Vestiario/SENSOR, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE) 1553785670: |-- url= 1553785670: |-- data=username=mqtt_user&password=&topic=&acc=-1&clientid= 1553785670: |-- aclcheck(mqtt_user, Aquecimento\Vestiario/SENSOR, 2) SUPERUSER=Y by http 1553785670: |-- Cached [47915787E92545C964E1769DD42BA992297DE6D4] for (client id not available,mqtt_user,2)

are this “1553785670” timestamps? what do they mean?

I think that the option persist after reboot, but you can set the option again.
I’ve a 4channel sonoff with the setoption19 on and got this output in the sonoff console :

00:00:00 Project sonoff 4ch1 Version
00:00:00 WIF: Connecting to AP1 PetboxNW24 in mode 11N as 4channel-5629…
00:00:04 WIF: Connected
00:00:04 HTP: Web server active on 4channel-5629 with IP address
22:09:48 MQT: Attempting connection…
22:09:48 MQT: Connected
22:09:48 MQT: 4channel/tele/LWT = Online (retained)
22:09:48 MQT: 4channel/cmnd/POWER =
22:09:48 MQT: 4channel/tele/INFO1 = {“Module”:“Sonoff 4CH”,“Version”:“”,“FallbackTopic”:“cmnd/DVES_8255FD_fb/”,“GroupTopic”:“sonoffs”}
22:09:48 MQT: 4channel/tele/INFO2 = {“WebServerMode”:“Admin”,“Hostname”:“4channel-5629”,“IPAddress”:“”}
22:09:48 MQT: 4channel/tele/INFO3 = {“RestartReason”:“Software/System restart”}
22:09:48 MQT: 4channel/stat/RESULT = {“POWER1”:“ON”}
22:09:48 MQT: 4channel/stat/POWER1 = ON
22:09:48 MQT: 4channel/stat/RESULT = {“POWER2”:“OFF”}
22:09:48 MQT: 4channel/stat/POWER2 = OFF
22:09:48 MQT: 4channel/stat/RESULT = {“POWER3”:“OFF”}
22:09:48 MQT: 4channel/stat/POWER3 = OFF
22:09:48 MQT: 4channel/stat/RESULT = {“POWER4”:“OFF”}
22:09:48 MQT: 4channel/stat/POWER4 = OFF
22:09:49 MQT: homeassistant/light/8255FD_LI_1/config = (retained)
22:09:49 MQT: homeassistant/switch/8255FD_RL_1/config = {“name”:“4ch1”,“cmd_t”:“~cmnd/POWER1”,“stat_t”:“~tele/STATE”,“val_tpl”:“{{value_json.POWER1}}”,“pl_off”:“OFF”,“pl_on”:“ON”,“avty_t”:“~tele/LWT”,“pl_avail”:“Online”,“pl_not_avail”:“Offline”,“uniq_id”:“8255FD_RL_1”,“device”:{“identifiers”:[“8255FD”]},“~”:“4channel/”} (retained)
22:09:49 MQT: homeassistant/light/8255FD_LI_2/config = (retained)
22:09:49 MQT: homeassistant/switch/8255FD_RL_2/config = {“name”:“4ch2”,“cmd_t”:“~cmnd/POWER2”,“stat_t”:“~tele/STATE”,“val_tpl”:“{{value_json.POWER2}}”,“pl_off”:“OFF”,“pl_on”:“ON”,“avty_t”:“~tele/LWT”,“pl_avail”:“Online”,“pl_not_avail”:“Offline”,“uniq_id”:“8255FD_RL_2”,“device”:{“identifiers”:[“8255FD”]},“~”:“4channel/”} (retained)
22:09:49 MQT: homeassistant/light/8255FD_LI_3/config = (retained)
22:09:49 MQT: homeassistant/switch/8255FD_RL_3/config = {“name”:“4ch3”,“cmd_t”:“~cmnd/POWER3”,“stat_t”:“~tele/STATE”,“val_tpl”:“{{value_json.POWER3}}”,“pl_off”:“OFF”,“pl_on”:“ON”,“avty_t”:“~tele/LWT”,“pl_avail”:“Online”,“pl_not_avail”:“Offline”,“uniq_id”:“8255FD_RL_3”,“device”:{“identifiers”:[“8255FD”]},“~”:“4channel/”} (retained)
22:09:49 MQT: homeassistant/light/8255FD_LI_4/config = (retained)
22:09:49 MQT: homeassistant/switch/8255FD_RL_4/config = {“name”:“4ch4”,“cmd_t”:“~cmnd/POWER4”,“stat_t”:“~tele/STATE”,“val_tpl”:“{{value_json.POWER4}}”,“pl_off”:“OFF”,“pl_on”:“ON”,“avty_t”:“~tele/LWT”,“pl_avail”:“Online”,“pl_not_avail”:“Offline”,“uniq_id”:“8255FD_RL_4”,“device”:{“identifiers”:[“8255FD”]},“~”:“4channel/”} (retained)
22:09:49 MQT: homeassistant/light/8255FD_LI_5/config = (retained)
22:09:49 MQT: homeassistant/switch/8255FD_RL_5/config = (retained)
22:09:49 MQT: homeassistant/light/8255FD_LI_6/config = (retained)
22:09:49 MQT: homeassistant/switch/8255FD_RL_6/config = (retained)
22:09:49 MQT: homeassistant/light/8255FD_LI_7/config = (retained)
22:09:49 MQT: homeassistant/switch/8255FD_RL_7/config = (retained)
22:09:49 MQT: homeassistant/light/8255FD_LI_8/config = (retained)
22:09:49 MQT: homeassistant/switch/8255FD_RL_8/config = (retained)
22:09:49 MQT: homeassistant/sensor/8255FD_status/config = {“name”:“4ch1 status”,“stat_t”:“~HASS_STATE”,“avty_t”:“~LWT”,“pl_avail”:“Online”,“pl_not_avail”:“Offline”,“json_attributes_topic”:“~HASS_STATE”,“unit_of_meas”:" “,“val_tpl”:”{{value_json[‘RSSI’]}}“,“uniq_id”:“8255FD_status”,“device”:{“identifiers”:[“8255FD”],“name”:“4ch1”,“model”:“Sonoff 4CH”,“sw_version”:“”,“manufacturer”:“Tasmota”},”~":“4channel/tele/”} (retained)
22:09:56 MQT: 4channel/tele/STATE = {“Time”:“2019-03-24T22:09:56”,“Uptime”:“0T00:00:14”,“Vcc”:3.394,“SleepMode”:“Dynamic”,“Sleep”:50,“LoadAvg”:19,“POWER1”:“ON”,“POWER2”:“OFF”,“POWER3”:“OFF”,“POWER4”:“OFF”,“Wifi”:{“AP”:1,“SSId”:“PetboxNW24”,“BSSId”:“64:D1:A3:42:28:26”,“Channel”:5,“RSSI”:100,“LinkCount”:1,“Downtime”:“0T00:00:04”}}

Here you can see that the MQT starts with ‘homeassistant’. You must also see something like this.

And HA must be restarted before you can see them in HA.

Sounds like it’s connecting.
Double check the configuration of the MQTT settings.
This is a working config using the HA broker, also note the version of tasmota firmware:

If you manually enter in SetOption19 1 via the device console, it almost instantly gets recognised by HA.
SetOption19 1 set option is persistent and stand to be corrected, but having this option set the device promotes itself every 5 minutes. Using the recommendation below speeds up the recognition process when HA starts:

Not sure if you’re using the HA MQTT broker if you’re not try that first.


I don’t understand what you mean, if you’re posting the console of the sonoff device how can you see the mqtt starting with ha?
What should I look for in your log, I’m still learning to interpret the logs

anyway this is the system log after I restarted it:

19-03-28 16:17:22 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] /homeassistant/api/services/homeassistant/restart access from core_configurator
19-03-28 16:17:23 INFO (SyncWorker_2) [hassio.docker] Run command ‘python3 -m homeassistant -c /config --script check_config’ on homeassistant/raspberrypi-homeassistant
19-03-28 16:20:17 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Home Assistant config is valid
19-03-28 16:20:17 INFO (SyncWorker_4) [hassio.docker.interface] Stop homeassistant/raspberrypi-homeassistant Docker application
19-03-28 16:20:29 INFO (SyncWorker_4) [hassio.docker.interface] Clean homeassistant/raspberrypi-homeassistant Docker application
19-03-28 16:20:52 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [hassio.docker.homeassistant] Start homeassistant homeassistant/raspberrypi-homeassistant with version 0.89.2
19-03-28 16:23:50 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Detect a running Home Assistant instance
19-03-28 16:33:25 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Updated Home Assistant API token
19-03-28 16:33:32 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [hassio.docker.interface] Update Docker homeassistant/armhf-addon-ssh:5.2 to homeassistant/armhf-addon-ssh:5.3
19-03-28 16:33:32 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [hassio.docker.interface] Pull image homeassistant/armhf-addon-ssh tag 5.3.
19-03-28 16:33:47 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [hassio.docker.interface] Tag image homeassistant/armhf-addon-ssh with version 5.3 as latest
19-03-28 16:33:47 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [hassio.docker.interface] Clean homeassistant/armhf-addon-ssh Docker application
19-03-28 16:33:48 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [hassio.docker.interface] Cleanup Docker images: [‘homeassistant/armhf-addon-ssh:5.2’]
19-03-28 16:34:26 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [hassio.docker.addon] Start Docker add-on homeassistant/armhf-addon-ssh with version 5.3

This is the log from mosquitto:

1553790407: |-- url= 1553790407: |-- data=username=mqtt_user&password=&topic=&acc=-1&clientid= 1553790407: |-- aclcheck(mqtt_user, tele/Sonoff/SENSOR, 2) SUPERUSER=Y by http 1553790407: |-- Cached [6D594FE7DEB937925F406096B51F378874A51DDB] for (client id not available,mqtt_user,2) 1553790707: |-- mosquitto_auth_acl_check(…, client id not available, mqtt_user, tele/Sonoff/STATE, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE) 1553790707: |-- aclcheck(mqtt_user, tele/Sonoff/STATE, 2) CACHEDAUTH: 0 1553790707: |-- mosquitto_auth_acl_check(…, client id not available, mqtt_user, tele/Sonoff/SENSOR, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE) 1553790707: |-- aclcheck(mqtt_user, tele/Sonoff/SENSOR, 2) CACHEDAUTH: 0 1553791007: |-- mosquitto_auth_acl_check(…, client id not available, mqtt_user, tele/Sonoff/STATE, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE) 1553791007: |-- Expired [85E605B9FBD57B59CAC9062A8409F9905B6E7638] for (client id not available,mqtt_user,2) 1553791007: |-- url= 1553791007: |-- data=username=mqtt_user&password=&topic=&acc=-1&clientid= 1553791007: |-- aclcheck(mqtt_user, tele/Sonoff/STATE, 2) SUPERUSER=Y by http 1553791007: |-- Cached [85E605B9FBD57B59CAC9062A8409F9905B6E7638] for (client id not available,mqtt_user,2) 1553791007: |-- Cleanup [6D594FE7DEB937925F406096B51F378874A51DDB] 1553791007: |-- mosquitto_auth_acl_check(…, client id not available, mqtt_user, tele/Sonoff/SENSOR, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE) 1553791007: |-- url= 1553791007: |-- data=username=mqtt_user&password=&topic=&acc=-1&clientid= 1553791007: |-- aclcheck(mqtt_user, tele/Sonoff/SENSOR, 2) SUPERUSER=Y by http 1553791007: |-- Cached [6D594FE7DEB937925F406096B51F378874A51DDB] for (client id not available,mqtt_user,2) 1553791016: Saving in-memory database to /data/mosquitto.db.

So what you’re saying is that the sonoff i connecting to the broker, but mosquitto isn’t connecting to ha?

I think this is mosquitto connecting, isn’t it?

1553790178: New connection from on port 1883.
1553790178: New client connected from as 7fdf3dbc-193f-4b63-b122-59be9a2b8950 (c1, k60).
1553790407: |-- mosquitto_auth_acl_check(…, client id not available, mqtt_user, tele/Sonoff/STATE, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE)
1553790407: |-- Expired [85E605B9FBD57B59CAC9062A8409F9905B6E7638] for (client id not available,mqtt_user,2)



I’ve changed the topic before reboot.

But still nothing happens

I’ve tried the embedded broker, but I couldn’t get it to connect to HA
But this one is started:

Thank you for the link, I will try to follow the directions tomorrow

But still one thing is strange, it says on the link you sent that the path to find the device is:

And I have:

And not just mqtt config and not the config on mosquitto

Have you tried controlling your light over mqtt with commands?
i’m not sure you’re connected to the broker

I tried to follow the link you sent me, and I recalled why I quit using the embedded mqtt. Because I couldn’t get it to work:
The configuration.yaml entry:

password: hello

had to uninstall the mosquitto broker to have access to the configuration of the embedded.

then I tried to access Configuration->Integrations->mqtt configurations and this is what I get:

So I removed the entry from configuration.yaml and restarted hassio

than I could access Configuration->Integrations->mqtt configurations

But with the configurations from the instructions:

But I don’t have any user named homeassistant, but I have one named mqtt_user, so I personalized it:

This was why I swapped to mosquitto.

Have you tried controlling your light over mqtt with commands?
i’m not sure you’re connected to the broker

How do Î do that?

I have mosquitto_pub and sub installed and I found these commands
mosquitto_sub -h -t stat/my_sonoff/POWER -v # listen for status
mosquitto_pub -h -t cmnd/my_sonoff/power -m 1 # turn on the light

but they appear directed to the mqtt server, not the client

you broker isnt running or is not allowing connections with those credentials

Sorry for the lag

I tried to start over, I flashed a new image on the sd card.

Started with embeded broker, but got the same result as I had before, can’t get it to connect to Hassio
This is the config I used:

username: mqtt_user
password: mqtt_password
port: 1883

and when I try to use the hassio interface:


So, I returned to Mosquitto

Followed this gift:

Mosquitto configuration:

“logins”: [
“username”: “mqtt_user”,
“password”: “mqtt_password”
“anonymous”: false,
“customize”: {
“active”: false,
“folder”: “mosquitto”
“certfile”: “fullchain.pem”,
“keyfile”: “privkey.pem”



So I tried configuration.yalm

username: mqtt_user
password: mqtt_password
port: 1883

and the result

1554359972: New connection from on port 1883.
1554359972: |-- mosquitto_auth_unpwd_check(mqtt_user)
1554359972: |-- ** checking backend http
1554359972: |-- url=
1554359972: |-- data=username=mqtt_user&password=mqtt_password&topic=&acc=-1&clientid=
[INFO] found mqtt_user on local database
1554359980: New client connected from as 55Lrnm5BpRnwQpM0gvQCf3 (c1, k60, u’mqtt_user’).
1554359980: Client 55Lrnm5BpRnwQpM0gvQCf3 disconnected.
1554359980: |-- getuser(mqtt_user) AUTHENTICATED=1 by http
1554361199: New connection from on port 1883.
1554361199: |-- mosquitto_auth_unpwd_check(homeassistant)
1554361199: |-- ** checking backend http
1554361199: |-- url=
1554361199: |-- data=username=homeassistant&password=HyJOZMkKTWoRZplIr9iKbA_D9ZahLs13&topic=&acc=-1&clientid=

I don’t know what else to do

Your broker isn’t configured correctly so don’t follow a gif and try and find an article or forum post explaining how to configure the mosquitto addon for



Your broker isn’t configured correctly so don’t follow a gif and try and find an article or forum post explaining how to configure the mosquitto addon for

I’ve been researching this for a month or more with no positive results, this is just my latest attempt.
The gif came from one of the pages I read

now I tried to use this page:

nothing on configuration.yalm

on mosquitto broker hassio page:

“logins”: [
“username”: “mqtt_user”,
“password”: “mqtt_password”
“anonymous”: false,
“customize”: {
“active”: false,
“folder”: “mosquitto”
“certfile”: “fullchain.pem”,
“keyfile”: “privkey.pem”

When I got to the integration page I select mqtt configuration:

and the result is


after that I try down on the page

and I get

I’ve tried to fill the form with this data: (ip on my network)

and with this one (ip that I get with an ifconfig)


Even though I’m unable to enter this values I get this log in the mosquito hassio page:

1555961167: New client connected from as fbcbfa10-6a6b-42bf-9e18-14ea6b45a53e (c1, k60, u’mqtt_user’). 1555961167: |-- getuser(mqtt_user) AUTHENTICATED=1 by http 1555961167: |-- mosquitto_auth_acl_check(…, client id not available, mqtt_user, homeassistant/#, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE) 1555961167: |-- url= 1555961167: |-- data=username=mqtt_user&password=&topic=&acc=-1&clientid= 1555961167: |-- aclcheck(mqtt_user, homeassistant/#, 4) SUPERUSER=Y by http 1555961167: |-- Cached [33F4DE658581470D9B78D83606450E4FBA9658E3] for (client id not available,mqtt_user,4) 1555961480: Client fbcbfa10-6a6b-42bf-9e18-14ea6b45a53e disconnected. 1555962155: New connection from on port 1883. 1555962155: |-- mosquitto_auth_unpwd_check(mqtt_user) 1555962155: |-- ** checking backend http 1555962155: |-- url= 1555962155: |-- data=username=mqtt_user&password=mqtt_password&topic=&acc=-1&clientid= [INFO] found mqtt_user on local database 1555962163: |-- getuser(mqtt_user) AUTHENTICATED=1 by http 1555962163: New client connected from as 2rOVawGyk6n0lvMoVJLALS (c1, k60, u’mqtt_user’). 1555962163: Client 2rOVawGyk6n0lvMoVJLALS disconnected.

when I change the active parameter to true on the on mosquitto broker hassio page I get and add the files:

1. Create /share/mosquitto/acl.conf with the contents:
acl_file /share/mosquitto/accesscontrollist
2. Create /share/mosquitto/accesscontrollist with the contents:
user mqtt-user
topic #

I get the log:
[INFO] Setup mosquitto configuration
[WARN] SSL not enabled - No valid certs found!
[INFO] Found local users inside config
[INFO] Initialize Add-on services
[INFO] Initialize Home Assistant discovery
[INFO] Start Mosquitto daemon
1555964015: mosquitto version 1.5.6 starting
1555964015: Config loaded from /etc/mosquitto.conf.
1555964015: |-- *** auth-plug: startup
1555964015: |-- ** Configured order: http
1555964015: |-- with_tls=false
1555964015: |-- getuser_uri=/login
1555964015: |-- superuser_uri=/superuser
1555964015: Opening ipv4 listen socket on port 1883.
1555964015: Opening ipv6 listen socket on port 1883.
1555964015: |-- aclcheck_uri=/acl
1555964015: |-- getuser_params=(null)
1555964015: |-- superuser_params=(null)
1555964015: Opening websockets listen socket on port 1884.
1555964015: |-- aclcheck_params=(null)
1555964015: |-- retry_count=3
1555964015: Warning: Mosquitto should not be run as root/administrator.

I really don’t understand what is going on here
Do I have to add the configuration on the configuration.yalm ?

The answer is here:

Thank you