I installed Hass.io using the Generic Linux install instructions since I didn’t want to lose the other things I already had on my Raspberry Pi. I can access the UI via the ip:8123, but can’t seem to find configuration.yaml anywhere.
find / -name ‘configuration.yaml’ 2>/dev/null
results in nothing.
I can’t see any ~/.homeassistant or /config or /var/opt/homeassistant directories.
I am not aware of a Generic Linux Installation of HASS.IO. To my understanding HASS.IO is an appliance, which runs exclusively on a dedicated machine (like a Raspberry or an Intel NUC).
You might have installed Home-Assistant in a Docker or Python environment on an existing Raspbian OS, did you?
To be precise, configuration.yaml is in /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant
I run a Hassio Linux installation on Raspbian Lite on my Pi. I believe it to be more stable than the HassOs based installation.
I had the same problem, but now see that the instructions mention that /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant is created the first time hassio is started, and I found all the configuration files (and also a sqlite database) there.