Can't login through duckDNS after moving to HA OS

Could really use some help. I just set up a new HA OS instance running on virtualbox and restored my last full backup to it. All is fine except for access through DuckDNS. My understanding is this is likely a port forwarding issue, since the instance now running on the VM has a different IP address than the host. I tried to create new port forwarding rules on my router (Google wifi), esp. for 443->8123 but the VM IP address doesn’t show up as a configurable entity. The MAC address of the VM does appear, so I tried to apply the port forwarding rules in the MAC address (which the router did allow), but this didn’t work. I get “initializing” when I try to login through duckDNS and it doesn’t proceed to the login screen. No useful log entries. Suggestions?

Try looking into the Nginx Proxy Manager Add-On. It sounds like that might be your solution, so the best I can do for now, is guide you in that direction.

Thank you David, I’ll look into that. Seems somewhat redundant to the duckDNS plug in though.

Looks like I have a similar problem. I just moved the RPi to another network connection, same IP through static DHCP and now I can no longer reach it from the outside. Worked before - port forwarding in the router has not changed. Internally I can reach it with the duckdns address and on SSH through the static IP. Any idea is more than welcome as it is kind of sad no to be able to reach the HA from externally…