First time playing around with the automation tool. I’m trying to turn on a shelly plug S at a specific hour.
Here is the automation created from the GUI :
- id: "1666186557463"
alias: test plug
- platform: time
at: "16:12:00"
- type: turn_on
device_id: ef54789f677045b1bb50ebb769ecdbf0
entity_id: switch.shellyplug_s_5b0ab1
domain: switch
mode: single
but this automation doesn’t work (I’ve reloaded the automation file).
When I use the “run” button, to force the automation to run, it’s working.
But it doesn’t work by itself at the specified time. Which let me think the “action” part is correct, but not the “trigger” part. But I don’t know what’s wrong with the trigger part.
If you set a Time Trigger to trigger at a specific time and it fails to trigger at the scheduled time then it implies Home Assistant’s internal clock might not be synchronized to the actual time.
Go to Settings > System > General and ensure the Timezone is set correctly.
Go to Developer Tools > Template and enter the following template:
{{ now() | as_local }}
Ensure it reports the current date, time, and timezone offset.