Can't make additional dashboards work in 0.107+

Hi all - love the great work of the HA team as always and very excited about the possibility to add new dashboards to the sidebar as of 0.107. But for the life of me, I can’t make it work. I have always used yaml mode for my Lovelace config.

I can define new dashboards, and I see the corresponding icon in the sidebar. But irrespective of how I configure them, I just get one page called “Home” with every entity shown (looks a bit like the default page for a new HA build, before doing any specific Lovelace config).

Here’s what I’ve got:

In configuration.yaml:

  mode: yaml
  resources: !include ui-resources.yaml
      mode: yaml
      filename: garbage.yaml   # this one does not exist, but still shows up
      title: garbage
      icon: mdi:delete
      show_in_sidebar: true
      mode: yaml
      filename: lovelace-dashboards/servers.yaml   # this one does exist, config below
      title: Servers
      icon: mdi:server-network
      show_in_sidebar: true

The lovelace-garbage dashboard is just me stuffing around trying to figure this out. I get the same result whether I include it or not. The garbage dashboard shows up in the sidebar if I include it, but it too shows the same default Home / all entities page.

My main Lovelace config is configured in ui-lovelace.yaml, as it always has been:

title: Home
views: !include_dir_list lovelace/

Each Lovelace view is a separate yaml file in the lovelace directory - this is not new.

Now I’ve started a new lovelace-dashboards directory, into which I intend to drop config files for each new dashboard. Right now, I’ve got just the one (servers.yaml), with some minimal config:

title: Servers
  - title: Servers
    icon: mdi:server-network
    badges: []
      - type: entities
          - entity: sensor.mars_core_0_temp

As above, the servers dashboard just gives me the default Home / all entities page, irrespective of how servers.yaml is configured.

I just can’t see what I’m doing wrong, nor can I find any clues in the docs. Any help greatly appreciated!

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same problem here, I am using the yaml mode.
But how can I add a second yaml mode dashboard?

All dashboards I add are in GUI mode.

you need to add additional yaml mode dashboards in the configuration.yaml

  mode: yaml

      mode: yaml
      title: Keller
      show_in_sidebar: true
      filename: ui-keller.yaml
      mode: yaml
      title: Erdgeschoss
      show_in_sidebar: true
      filename: ui-eg.yaml
      mode: yaml
      title: Dach
      show_in_sidebar: true
      filename: ui-dach.yaml

Delete them in configuration -> lovelace dashboard
and after a restart they are added

OK - so I discovered the issue. There is obviously a bug somewhere which means that the lovelace yaml file must be in the root config directory, not an inner folder. The following wasn’t working because servers.yaml was stored in the lovelace-dashboards directory.

      mode: yaml
      filename: lovelace-dashboards/servers.yaml   # this one does exist, config below
      title: Servers
      icon: mdi:server-network
      show_in_sidebar: true

When I moved it to the top level, it suddenly started working.

I discovered this by going to Configuration / Lovelace Dashboards and noticed that the filename for the Servers dashboard was mangled. It showed up as lovelace-dashboardsservers.yaml (the / had been swallowed).