Can't merge databases after power outtage corrupted

While I was away on holidays we had a storm and a short power outtage. A few days later I noticed entities had no historical data/statistics before 4am on 10th November 2024. When I looked in the config file, a new DB had been created and I could also see the corrupt DB named “home-assistant_v2.db.corrupt.2024-11-09T17:14:04.999561+00:00”.

When I got home I managed to copy over the corrupted DB to my mac and run “sqlite3 corrupted_database.db “.recover” > recovered.sql”, then “sqlite3 home-assistant_v2.db.recovered < recovered.sql” to import the data into a new DB. I then renamed this DB to home-assistant_v2.db and started home assistant. It had the data from before the 10th November which is good.

Now when I tried to merge these DB’s it appeared to work when running the commands but the historical data is not visible in home assistant. The DB has gone from around 400 MB to 1.6 Gb in size after merging but I cant see any historical stats. I used the below commands when attempting to insert the old data into the new DB (this was all done with copies of the DB offline). The only error I saw was the events table had 16 columns but the target only had 15. I wouldnt think this would impact historical data though?

sqlite3 home-assistant_v2.db
ATTACH 'home-assistant_v2.db.recovered' AS source_db;
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO event_data SELECT * FROM source_db.event_data;
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO event_types SELECT * FROM source_db.event_types;
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO migration_changes SELECT * FROM source_db.migration_changes;
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO recorder_runs SELECT * FROM source_db.recorder_runs;
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO schema_changes SELECT * FROM source_db.schema_changes;
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO state_attributes SELECT * FROM source_db.state_attributes;
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO states SELECT * FROM source_db.states;
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO states_meta SELECT * FROM source_db.states_meta;
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO statistics SELECT * FROM source_db.statistics;
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO statistics_meta SELECT * FROM source_db.statistics_meta;
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO statistics_runs SELECT * FROM source_db.statistics_runs;
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO statistics_short_term SELECT * FROM source_db.statistics_short_term;

Any ideas so I can merge my old stats into the new DB? I did often get “cp: read error: I/O error” when trying to copy over the corrupt DB so I couldn’t say for certain I have been able to work with the full corrupt DB if that makes sense. Any help would be great. Thanks

Hello, i’m facing the same issue, did you find the solution ?
I did not try anything you did as I have much lower knowledge on SQL manipulation

Unfortunately I was unable to fully merge the history and long term statistics into the new database. I still have the files to work on it again but I basically ended up just continuing to use the new DB that was created when the old one was corrupt.

Hello are you aware of this project ?

I actually looked at that recently. I have the old DB with data/statistics that are working as when I restart HA using the old DB it has all the old data I can see. But when I try merging, the old data isnt visible in the merged DB. I must be doing something wrong.

Have you had any luck with your merge/restore?

No no luck i keep getting errors with the tool.

I need to try to boot up HA with the old DB to see what happen, but I have some problem cloning my HA proxmox VM :rofl:.

I wont have time to do this until friday.
I’ll keep you posted

just thinking loud why HA still use such an unreliable db. I can understand it at project beginning. But right now, it’s really questionable considering collecting of years-worth data.

Running some more serious db like MariaDB (with a crash safe engine like innodb or aria) within the same or dedicated container shouldn’t be a problem.

Besides the issue above, sqlite is sensible on concurrent access. under some circumstances you can break it even when accessing for reads. In result the safest way is to browse sqlite when HA is stopped. it’s really weak.