Can't open my HA instance when using manual development environment

Hi everyone, I’m new to development and sorry for this beginner question. I was trying to build a manual environment on WSL2 on Windows 11. I’ve followed the instructions on the doc and have successfully run the command hass -c config. (I suppose the log 2023-03-11 13:27:53.675 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Starting Home Assistant means that the HA core is running, am I right?)
There has been an error message, but I suppose it doesn’t matter because it listens on port 8123 again:

Since I’m using WSL, I also noticed the tip about checking the inet address of the eth0 adaptor and followed it.
Now comes the question: I couldn’t open the development instance on either http://localhost:8123/ or (my inet address of the eth0 adapter is
Any suggestion on how to fix this? Thanks a lot!