Can't pair devices

So, I have been recomended to use ZigBee by my son.
Bought a RaspBee II.
HA is running on a PI4-8GB with a 240GB SSD.

I’ve been struggling a lot trying to get ZHA running.
Disabled BT, even updated the firmware to the latest (on a PI-3).
It looks like the ZHA is connected to the RaspBee (it shows LQI and RSSI), but network is 0x0000.
When I try to pair with IKEA lamp or button, nothing happens.
I’ve tried to force channel to 18, since I have two Unifi AP’s running on channel 1 and 11.

Maybe it is easier to by a ConBee II, but I like when it is mounted in the same box as the PI.
Is there a way to get more loginfo from ZHA?

Searching, searching and searching…
Could it be the USB3 SSD that interfers with the RaspBee? Or is this just a ConBee issue?

Found this in the log:

[zigpy_deconz.zigbee.application] Error while sending 4 req id broadcast: TXStatus.MAC_CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE

The RaspBee is the coordinator device, it is not supposed to show LQI or RSSI values. Something’s very wrong with your setup. What’s in your /boot/config.txt file, does it contain


What’s the ZHA configuration?

Thank you for a quick reply.
I am at work, so I don’t have complete access at the moment.

Here are some information:

deCONZ = dresden elektronik deCONZ protocol: ConBee I/II, RaspBee I/II
av ZHA

Zigbee info

IEEE: 00:21:2e:ff:ff:08:b3:ac
Nwk: 0x0000
Device Type: Coordinator
LQI: 221
RSSI: 30
Senast sedd: 2022-01-27T08:44:52
Strömkälla: Mains

Exactly what is in the config.txt, I don’t remember. I can’t access the file from work.
It is currently connected to /dev/ttyS0, after changing, following some guides…
The result is the same as when it was connected to /dev/ttyAMA0…

In the configuration.yaml at the moment:

channel: 15
channels: [15, 20, 25]

I don’t use ZHA, but Zigbee2MQTT with Raspbee II on RPI4 4GB. I did the changes to /boot/config.txt and mounted the Raspbee Module. I do not use any USB devices on that RPI4, I know that USB3 causes issues with any 2.4GHz device nearby, but I am not sure if this affects the Raspbee, too. Would definitely not harm to use an USB extension cord for the SSD.

The coordinator is not exposing RSSI or LQI with Zigbee2MQTT (makes no sense, anyway). The configuration.yaml of Zigbee2MQTT has the following settings with respect to the coordinator:

  adapter: deconz
  port: /dev/ttyAMA0

Don’t know, if that is applicable to ZHA.

Thanks again for your answer.

Well, I think i will get an extension cord, 0,6 meters will be enough since then, I can put the SSD under a metal shelf :slight_smile:

Logically the config.txt should be the same for Zigbee2MQTT and ZHA.

As allways for guides on the net, there are no dates, so it is impossible to determine which one to follow.
At the moment it feels like I am banging my head to the wall, and not creating automations.
I want the Zigbee becasue of the Ikea lamps, they are cheap!

And they perform very well. I have Tradfri E27 bulbs, GU10 spots and indoor motion sensors and they never failed me (opposite to all OSRAM devices and some Innr bulbs, 2 gone bad within a month).

By the entrance I have two carbon fiber lamps. Earlier (before 2008) they went from completely off to on by a motion sensor. Now when having more lamps (leds Osram Parathom) on the outside of the house, the entrance lamps are normally dimmed at about 15%. When motion is detected they goes to 100% and after a minute the goes back to 15%. The life time of a lamp was before about 3-4 months, now 4-5 years! :slight_smile: And I bought some 80 lamps back in the days when they were “forbidden”! So I think I have lamps for the rest of my life! :slight_smile:

Regardless of Zigbee Coordinator adapter type or Zigbee implementation recommend follow these tips:


Note that USB 3.x hard drives and cables are well known to be strong source of interference for Zigbee.

Also, don’t change Zigbee channel as not all Zigbee devices support all channels, see recommendation:

I assume this is the default configuration?

channel: 15 # What channel the radio should try to use.
channels: [15, 20, 25] # Channel mask

Yes, with “channel: 15” being the important part

But can that cause a problem with WIFI-channel-1 ??
According to this it should not interfere with wifi-1 but looking at this ZigBee-18 seems to be more suitable when the AP’s are running on 1 and 11.
But first I have to get it running, and be able to pair one lamp and one button :slight_smile:

The issue is that not all Zigbee devices you buy can use all Zigbee channels, (most but not all is however compatible with channels 15, 20, and 25 ). You also can not change Zigbee channel on-the-fly as you can do with WiFi. It will set the Zigbee channel when it initially forms the Zigbee network and if you change it after that then you will need to restart and manually re-pair all your devices. Therefoir it is recommended to only change Wi-Fi channels on your WiFi router and/or WiFi Access-Points.

Note that the recommendation is, however, not to change the Zigbee channel from default as not all Zigbee devices support all channels.

If you have conflicting issues then you should only change Wi-Fi channels on your Wi-Fi devices.

If you have issues with overlapping frequencies, then it will generally be a better idea to change Wi-Fi channels on your Wi-Fi-router or Wi-Fi Access Points.

Understand that Zigbee is low-power and low-bandwidth so Zigbee will never interfere with WiFi. It is WiFi and others that can interfere with Zigbee as it is much more susceptible to sources of interference.

To avoid problems pairing devices, always use ZLL Zigbee channels : 11, 15, 20 or 25. These offer the broadest compatibility.

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Reviewing all pages I’ve read this one was not to be found!

Also managed to add an Ikea button. Since I was in the bedroom when adding the button, I expected it to connect to the lamp, but no, directly to the controller! :smiley:
I think Ikea will get some visits in the near future!

Again, thanks all!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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