Forum issues: Posting pictures and threads not being marked as "read"

I tried to start a new topic using Firefox and Chrome. Using either browser I was unable to post a picture. I was wondering if anyone else is having this same problem. 11.9.2023

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Me too!

I tried several file formats, and sizes.

@Bloor I found an unusual work around since I haven’t been able to post all day. I posted first on HA in Reddit and then copied that entire post into this forum. The pictures are just links to Reddit but they show up.

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hm… thanks for the information.
I just tried to add a picture here, and yes, I am getting an error that the PNG file could not be uploaded.

The Workaround you are describing is “hotlinking” to a picture hosted on a different server… while this is working in some cases, other servers might block hotlinked images, because those are causing increased traffic (and therefore costs)

It would be great, if this issue after the “maintenance” could be fixed :slight_smile:

The site is still migrating profile images, posting large images will not work until that process is complete. There is no ETA.

FYI this affects all aspects of the forum that may not be working. It’s a heavy process.